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Everything posted by kyle308

  1. kyle308


    well since the 75th thousandth post is comming we should start this mindless thread to post on about anything and that way we can get to the glorious number faster and have a better chancr of winning the fancy book.
  2. omg omg ahhhh :shock: how could u do that ahhh
  3. kyle308

    3 Word Story

    willy wonkas factory
  4. kyle308

    3 Word Story

    day after tomorrow
  5. sounds fun hope i win
  6. lame
  7. core
  8. lol those are good.
  9. lol its amazingly true
  10. indiana has : First Responder EMT-Basic EMT-Advance EMT-I (85, 99) EMT-P
  11. sord
  12. in Indiana you can have anyone in your car after you have had your license for a 90 day probationary period.
  13. Well thank you for noticing anyways.
  14. im not starting at McDonalds and i dont want to go near it...nasty job so dont worry ill stay here and truthfully is putting my ' in words like I'M making the difference it doesn't make my posts hard to understand its just not there nor is there any reason im not writing my mid term paper.... can we please, please, please stop discussing english i hate the subject and would rather just talk about things not related to it... so how is the weather where everyone lives
  15. lol thank you, i will now take the floor. As you can see i can type in a normal sentence, and use proper grammar on a keyboard if forced to. believe it or not i'm in an advanced placement english class, so that right there says i can WRITe in perfect normal language. I can also do it on the computer im just not as USED to doing it on a computer. MSN and TEXTS are the enemy of proper grammar except i couldnt do well without them. back on topic i looked at protocols and have found out what i need to know thanks all, we can now continue our pissing match.
  16. see that's not It when i write on paper i write just fine, just something about typing that I seriously have to work on.
  17. yeah i searched within the site for it but counldnt find much. epi-do i live in knightstown indiana, so yes its a rural area and we have no EMT-i but we have a couple EMT-A. lol i wish i could go to medic school now but i'm only a freshman in highschool so thats still about 4 years off.
  18. i saw one that said "firefighters may be able to stand the heat...but EMT's can legally take ur clothes off"
  19. well all i'm sorry about my grammar and spelling. ill try to worjk on that its just that im used to using internet lingo and, well I can't do that and sound like a normal person on here. so i'll start readig over my posts.
  20. well what i no about indiana is that there is a EMT-b, A, I and ,P i was kinda wondering what each one of the classes of certification could do that was different than the other.
  21. ok thanks im in indiana so if any one on here from indiana nos anything about help would be appreciated
  22. everyones gonna like the test when a familys pet scorpion gets loose and no one nos how to treat the poor kid who found him
  23. ok not to sound stupid but i would like to know wat an EMT-A can do that an EMT-b cant and wat an EMT-I can do that an EMT-A cannot...thanks in advance
  24. ok i have a question i started lookin at this tread a couple days ago cause i was also interested in some pants....but seriously how in the heck did we instantly go from findin a pair of pants, to freakin accusin every one and his brother of been a whacker, to now wat you will need and how many times u will use something on an MVA....can we please talk about clothes AGAIN!!!!! this thread is the most random thing ive seen on this website so far
  25. fart
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