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Everything posted by kyle308

  1. lol we are happily at 10 now
  2. lol i wish it was writen at a higher level than 3rd grade
  3. My answers to those as the post maker are no, no, and no again. he was awake and talking to us the whole trip they did not use KED and I believe they should of.
  4. ok. Well the guy that I had the KED question about, he ended up being transported to a bigger hospital because of a ruptured spleen i do belive, so thats why he had such severe abdominal pain. also the extrication was not rapid as all they had to do was pop the door off and and peel the roof back just a touch and they got him right out.
  5. :shock: Nice time to forget spellcheck.
  6. my orange jump bag
  7. they lowered the age limit to be a first responder in indiana, and I was doing ride alongs with the service that trained me when we got toned out to this.
  8. Well, I would like to get a 4 year bachelor degree in nursing and also do my paramedic stuff so i can do both.
  9. Thank you everyone for your responses and ideas. at the moment ive got a start going since i passed my first responder test and got my certification.
  10. Well I've been thinking about what im going to do after high school, and I've always wanted to do something in the medical field area. so I've been thinking about trying to go to college after high school, and doing something in the nursing field such as Emergency nursing, Critical care nursing,or Flight/transport nursing. working in an emergency department or something of the sort for several years and eventually trying to become a flight nurse with LifeLine or someone like that. Any thoughs would be well appreciated.
  11. you are all wrong the mythbusters did this and yes cigarettes will start a fire cell phones will not, and if you rub nylon stockings fast enough they can spark too.
  12. Not to stop the fighting...But the Crab fishers do have a T.V. show on the discovery channel
  13. well there was a fireman holding C-spine and another at his side so yes all precautions were taken. thanks
  14. Well, Saturday night we got toned out to a MVA on the interstate. It was a mustang T-boned by a semi, we arrive on scene and one patient is pinned in the car the other got out and walked to a semi drivers truck and climbed in. The guy in the car we put a C-collar on and just slid in a backboard, once in the ambulance he was complaining of lower back pain and severe abdominal pain, I was wondering if we should of used a KED on the guy. The man that climbed in the semi was also C-collared and backboarded before loading Thanks before hand, Kyle
  15. dear god does an ambulance come inside of it
  16. Si, yo hablo espanol
  17. OMG it all makes since now...i understand the meaning of life to eat bananas
  18. the only thing i noticed bad was, i dont think the standard log roll would work very well to et them down into it, without un alining the spine
  19. my lord it ass blasted for a minute and 30 seconds, but i still want one
  20. my lord is the ambulance your POV
  21. we just learned more about u then anyone will ever want to know, with the exception of dustdevil
  22. so this teaches us all to never accidentally whack the regulator off of the o2 tank on the end of the cot.
  23. yes ive heard of them...i once passed out in a doctors office and had them shoved to my nose....that is the worst feeling ever
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