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Everything posted by cwilliams17

  1. No I haven't yet, that's my next move. I did a recert in ACLS last fall and don't remember ever hearing about it there.
  2. chbare, cannot find any place where it says anything about it. I've looked in circulation journal and can't find it. I asked if you could cite the info.
  3. Under the new AHA CPR guidelines, are they not recommending to confirm asystole in a second lead anymore? If you can site an article from AHA please do, thanks.
  4. The only thing I carry during a call is my stethoscope and a pair of exam gloves. I volunteer for my local EMS department and have a career position for a busy agency. With both I just have my stethoscope. Everything I need is in the ambulance or engine. I wear a duty uniform for both that they provided. When checking my unit at the beginning of my shift I know what and where everything is.
  5. That's tough, I'm sure you did all you could. Sometimes it out of our hands.
  6. I misread the way the glucose level was presented. I thought I read it at 38 mg/dl. Sorry.
  7. Once again, no need to be an ass. No I don't think it's a good idea to give a patient D50 with a glucose level of 684 mg/dl.
  8. I take that back. I failed to read how the glucose level was presented. I don't use the mmol/dl, sorry. no need to be an ass. I work and volunteer with agencies in two states that use D50. Sorry I don't live or work where they use 10% glucose.
  9. in the meantime, a competent provider should be able to start a line and give d50 in the time your volunteer technician can stick the LMA in there. If you are worried about her airway use BVM Give the d50, if you still have problems with airway then use your airway devices.
  10. Im my area if we suspect behavioral problem or psychotic event, we can give haloperidol 5mg, midazolam 2.5mg, benydryl 25mg. Mostly used in combative patients if we ruled out diabetic or other issue.
  11. Fix the sugar problem you wouldn't need to put in an advanced airway.
  12. Stay and play? I can't stand that term! What are we playing, doctors? If they want to go to the hospital, then great. I can assess and treat in the ambulance. The shorter the on scene time the better for me.
  13. I work for a department that has stations 5 minutes from hospital to about 30, and volunteer for a department that has an hour plus transport time. With both agencies I aim to keep scene time less than 10 minutes. It's just something I've always done since I've been in ems. It takes a short amount of time to gather the information needed to make a transport decision.
  14. OK now i'm really confused. What does RSI have to do with the original question about orthostatics for abdominal pain?
  15. To get away from work I have a few hobbies. I'm a ham radio operator, target shooting, working on cars. I enjoy shooting skeet, that really helps me relax.
  16. Do you really need a protocol to perform orthostatics?
  17. Yeah but from rumors i've heard im not sure how long they will recognize them. I don't keep up with West Virginia much since i've moved away. Something about they may not certify any new EMT-I's or not recert them, is there anyone here from WV that can confirm that? Now EMT-B's can administer NTG and albuterol tx's in WV, not sure how I feel about that one.
  18. Congratulations!
  19. I have had my share of puking patients. And i'll admit some of them were pretty bad but I never puked myself because of it. I guess being puked on a few times you get used to it!
  20. I am all for a paramedic on every ambulance. Education and experience is important when you have someones life in your hands whether it's a critical call or a BS one. I trust my EMT-B's, they have the skills to do a good assesment on a patient and know when they need my help. Their BLS care is excellent and I praise them for that. I agree with Dust on the level of training of EMT-B's sucks. I agree it's time for a change, thats one reason I continued with my education and will continue further. But untill things change we need to work together. Get on the trucks and answer the calls that we are requested to respond to. Work side by side to help your patient.
  21. Congratulations! Be proud of your accomplishments, and good luck with everything you do.
  22. I think the title of the post says it all, either way like I said if the comment of Virginia was left out I dont think it would have been a problem.
  23. Not very professional to include the almost 34,000 EMS providers in this state with your negative comments. I agree that they made a mistake, I would have carried all my equipment with me too. But to say that Virginia providers cannot render appropriate care to patients is wrong. And another thing, as a paramedic yourself you should know that even if a caller says one thing, it may not be relayed to the responding units as the same. I think I wouldn't have had a problem with your post if you left out the whole Virginia thing. Have a good day and welcome to Virginia
  24. In our area NTG is contraindicated with a SBP <100. And if the patient never taken NTG before, we have to start a IV prior to administration. Im sure its different in some places
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