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Everything posted by cwilliams17

  1. My EMT-B class was free, paramedic school was about $2100 not counting all the gas and fast food, and hotel costs to take my test. I never complained though, I thought it was good deal
  2. I took the test when it became Enhanced from shock trauma. I thought it was a fairly challanging test mostly because you are a emt-b with a few als skills. If I remember right my test had a lot of bls skills on it and that threw me off because here I was studying all the als skills. I passed on the 1st try with a 92%. Congrats on passing, now you can work your way up to paramedic!
  3. Good luck on the test. I took it 2 years ago and practiced at that level untill I became a medic. Only advice I can give you is know your BLS skills. There is alot of questions about BLS. Know your drugs! Again good luck
  4. I used the Barron's How to Prepare for the EMT-Paramedic Exam book. It seems to be a good one to use. It had practice questions and had 3 full practice tests.
  5. I have a Littman Classic II SE. Its served me well in the past years.
  6. 20, should have been higher I didnt know it was timed untill too late!
  7. I have never seen a protocol say to give glucose by mouth for an unresponsive patient. They can't protect their airway! Why stick somthing in their mouth and take the chance of them aspirating? BLS providers in my region can give Glucagon in diabetic emergencies as long as they have attended a local class instructing them. oh, I heard a story of a guy that recieved Mrs. Buttersworth's where the sun don't shine and it worked.
  8. $235
  9. I made the transition from a rural setting to an urban setting. I didn't have a problem
  10. During my EMT-Enhanced class and paramedic school, we were taught to aspirate up to three times to confirm that we have a patent IV line to prevent necrosis of the tissue. But I agree with AK about monitering the site during administration and knowing you have a patent line prior to giving it to the patient.
  11. In the Central Shenandoah EMS Council in Virginia EMT-B's can hook up a 12 lead and transmit the reading to the hospital or read the machines interpretation and relay it to on line medical control. They are not allowed to treat the interpretation, they can only treat the patient with aspirin, O2, and request ALS en route for a chest pain patient. Im not sure if the rest of the state has the same protocols.
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