I have to agree with Dust, I like Ais thought process. A little off topic but I heard it said once "now that we are getting away from Dr's teaching us, we have to dumb 'it' down to the lowest common denominator". (it referring to education) Now that being said, I disagree, I think medics should be able to use their best judgement and make a decision based on their education...however, you need to accept the fact you may be wrong which happens in the ER enough. There is too much teaching of pink box, purple box, yellowish box and then when the patient enters the gray zone medics fall back to "well, it didn't say that in the protocols" Protocols be damned...you are a patient advocate...and sometimes you need to do what needs to be done and take the flack. Protocols are ambiguous at best and definitions in them, as well as the medical world are also perceived differently by different folks. A simple rule of thumb I go by is "sick, not sick". CCDoc is right, the pt may present with a number of responses while not being"conscious" and these would be called decreased level of consciousness. I know, I'm rambling....suffice it to say, the medic made a descision based on numerous factors at the time and you got him from point a to point b...that's a good thing.