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  1. Scott33, thanks for that. It's certainly not what Ronin have been telling me! Back to bugging my Trust then!
  2. The current NHS Trust that I work for is in partnership with St Georges Hospital, London - for the 3 year degree. However due to funding, the places on the course are few and far between and this year there are no places at all! I have offered to self fund on a degree course, but need my Trust to agree to fund/arrange the practical placements - and they have refused. I have also offered to self fund the degree course via Open University, but again, the Trust have refused.... Can you see a pattern emerging??? Basically, it's either their way or not at all, but I thought that the Ronin course would be fab because everything is arranged for you, less the hours with a Paramedic or in hospital to practice your skills that you've learnt in SA. Thats where I've hit a bit of a wall you see, because it all comes down to my Trust agreeing to let me practice or the Hospital letting me practice... and I think that there may be an insurance problem because I don't come under a UK University or have the go ahead from my Trust.... SO ANNOYING!! Needless to say, if I could do it with my own Trust I would, but they are truly useless where this is concerned!
  3. Thanks for that, I'll contact him!
  4. Hello everyone. I'm an IHCD Technician looking to progress to Paramedic. I've seen a course advertised with Ronin, in South Africa. It's in conjunction with South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust and on completion you can apply to the HPC for registration. I wonder whether anyone from the UK (or anywhere for that matter) has completed this course? What did you think? After your theoretical training on cannulation, intubation etc etc you have a workbook to complete to confirm competency in these areas. You are to practice under the guidance of a Paramedic or the Hospital - but as the course is in South Africa, I am envisaging problems with getting your own Service or local Hospital to agree. Surely there's an issue with insurance? I know some previous students of Ronin have joined the London Ambulance Service, but can't find anyone to tell me how they managed to get their placements. Any information would be gratefully recieved! Jemma
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