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Everything posted by emtpsaveu911

  1. :pottytrain5: :blah5: :pottytrain4: Thats to funny- :laughing6:
  2. A classic! One of my favorites.
  3. Lengthy
  4. 8. Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F--- YOU! I love this one use it all the time... Hubby just thinks he has won the argument... in reality i'm just done. :twisted:
  5. [web:f3e5dc5836]http://wilk4.com/humor/humorm283.htm[/web:f3e5dc5836]
  6. [web:343f32264a]http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/pc/manwoman.html[/web:343f32264a]
  7. [web:46139d8d6c]http://wilk4.com/humor/humorm380.htm[/web:46139d8d6c]
  8. Its all good now. thanks
  9. when i try and read the page you posted it bleeds and runs together and i can't read it. Is this happening to anyone else?
  10. well don't watch it then.
  11. My husband has his masters in Social work and he is a counselor for a community resource center. He has to counsel the sex offenders in group and non group settings and he comes home so frustrated sometimes. Like just the other night he got this new guy who is in his seventies and he uses a walker to walk... anyway he was caught teaching his 10 year old granddaughter about sex by showing her, and he feels he did nothing wrong because she came to him and asked him about sex. :evil: This is the first time he was ever caught but obviously at seventy chances are this isn't his first time offending. I Don't know what the solution is. Love your kids, teach your kids what to watch for, and let them know they can tell you anything. Beyond that, I don't think keeping our kids in a prison is the answer. But Ruffems I am absolutely with you The cops better get their before i do or there will be nothing left to arrest, except for me.
  12. Gosh, and I thought that was where the problems always started------>dumb guys. 8)
  13. Nothing like waking up to free porn and discounted cigarette's in the morning with your coffee wilst crusing EMT city. :shock: :? 8)
  14. [web:ce4e6eecc4]http://images.dpchallenge.com/images_challenge/637/Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_472023.jpg[/web:ce4e6eecc4]
  15. I swear i didn't inhale. :shock: Dude makes a bong out of a leafblower. :shock: :roll: [web:74f3c9f89d]http://thefreshscent.com/2007/03/28/th-seeds-the-leafblower/[/web:74f3c9f89d]
  16. Asys-- 2 words: Menstrual cramps no J/k... i guess just read into your post to much on an off day.? Just an excuse for being an ass i know but anyway i am sorry. :oops: Thanks for the tip on the BBC. :wink:
  17. I think maybe i should edit my comment i didn't find out about this terrible thing until around early afternoon that day. I happened to turn on the TV ( idiot box) and it was plastered on almost every channel i turned to sooooo. I watched in horror long enough to find out the gist of the situation and then moved on but like i said before the whole time i did watch (maybe 15 minutes tops) it was plastered as stated above. I am not complaining i was just agreeing with StickEm's view of how it was handled/portrayed in the media. That is why i hate to watch CNN or FOX or any big news outlet. And much like you Asys I have not watched anymore news on it either. So i'm not sure if you were directing that at me but if you were back away from the kool aid i wasn't blaming anyone for anything just making an observation along with someone elses comment. :? Also i realize you don't know me from adam but i have been in this business for a long enough time not to be caught up in the oh-my god-squad mentality. And I certainly hope that no one in their right mind would confuse all those people being killed and injured as entertainment. Well except for maybe the news outlets... :? :x
  18. Yes I was watching I think it was CNN (pretty sure but not positive) but anyway the whole day it was plastered across the screen -Massacre at Virginia Tech- In big bold red lettering. I thought it was very shocking also. But hey thats what they are going for the shock value and ratings. :x
  19. i guess that one was to easy
  20. [web:129ef69ab6]http://cellular.co.za/phones/gunphone/gun-phone.htm[/web:129ef69ab6] i want the picture of the original(first) doublemint twins.
  21. Laws of humanity: #8 Do others.
  22. "Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." If only some people realized this...
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