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Everything posted by emtpsaveu911

  1. First off I know you did say typically, so you didn't necessarily make a blanket statement about lack off ambition. But we need to be careful not to make assumptions on someones happiness vs. "lack of ambition". Just because You and I would like to and do move on up the ladder, does not mean it is for everyone. And does not mean that they are even thinking that they are less of a person or Professional for not doing so. They may be very ambitious when it comes to their own Latest CEU's. You know sometimes life just gets in the way of moving up also. For instance i would have loved to have gone to Medical School but life got in the way i'm 32 yrs old now i have a 12 year old son and i have way more important things in my life now to think about. Med school may never come for me and you now what im ok with that --but i don't have lack of ambition i just chose a different course for my life. Maybe thats what happened for some of these 20 year veterans. They adjusted and moved on. I know thats like comparing your hairy boys to say, King Kongs, but shite happens. Edit: Has anyone ever workied at a place were it was agaisnt the rules to talk about what you get paid? And if you did and they found out you were fired? This is put in place to cut back on all this. Obviously it doesnt really work. but just wondering? I do agree with that Medics should be the higher paid how this can be worked out is another matter I also think that your 20 year experienced vet should be compsensated fairly also. Thats why im not management. . There was someone on here i thought had a good idea though i cant recall who it was i will edit again. nevermind there really wasn't 8)
  2. I think it's safe to say that most of us don't know each other personally. Most of us just know each other by the warmth of our kind words to each other of loving friendship. A friendship we can only see. So here's some heartfelt words of love to everyone, Thankyou for your friendship... 8) :twisted:
  3. i think i found my new signature line
  4. Old School--there were so many but here are just a few: Mitch: Sorry, your seatbelt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do? Cab Driver: I recommend you stop being such a faggot. You're in the backseat Frank: We're going streaking Therapist: Frank, this is a safe place. A place where we can feel free sharing our feelings. Think of my office as a nest in a tree of trust and understanding. We can say anything here. Frank: Anything? Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused. I mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely different guy. I don't feel different. I mean, take yesterday for example. We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely. And uh, I happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be. Her panties. Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton, underpants. But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's a thong. Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about. You know, and uh, and I started feeling... what? what I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not? Earmuffs have got to be my fav in this movie but it more funny to watch: Mitch: I've had a hell of a day and even worse week. And all I want to do is get some fucking sleep. Beanie: Whoa. Whoa. Why the F-ing? Why in front of the kid? All ya gotta do is say "earmuffs" to him, and you can say "Fuck, shit, bitch." Frank: Cock. Balls. Beanie: I'm just trying to make a point, Frank. You don't have to celebrate it
  5. I got a 17 :oops: i missed: 4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell 's soup label? red and white 16. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side? right 17. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel? 6 :dontknow: 19. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing? ??? :dontknow: whocares 21. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark? joker 22. On wh ich side of a Venetian blind is the cord that adjusts the opening between the slats? right,looking at it a$$backwards 24. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip? 4, oic --i just looked at one :sign7: 25. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise? clockwise-whatever
  6. 20. Cover you mouth when you cough/belch. This is >>just common courtesy. When you neglect to do this, >>I am tempted to bust butt in your room, then close >>the door. :sign5: for some reason i just (not busted a$$) but busted out laughing when i read that.
  7. One of my fav's is from "WeddingCrashers" when Vince Vaughn says to Owen Wilson Were they built for speed or comfort...what'd you do with them... Motorboat... Your a motorboatin SOB... vidking
  8. Thats so funny almost everyone i meet thats not originally from Illinois will do this. Leave the nois'e' out of Illinois!!!
  9. :wink:
  10. :laughing6:
  11. Did someone change this thread to "Anal Stuff"? :?
  12. :shock:
  13. Thank You for the birthday wishes ITK, JeniF, and Wind. That was very sweet of you. You don't know how i needed that. :wink: I wish i could celebrate with you guys, but im stuck at work ... so have a drink for me! I like Margaritas on the rocks (with lots of Tequila)
  14. http://www.gsn.com/minigames/minigame.php?id=13
  15. Try sending a nice little letter. candygenius.com (Really i don't recommend this, i just thought it was funny.)
  16. Fair enough...enough said.
  17. That's probably the only thing i agree with you on is that yes people do need to be accountable for their own health care and decisions that they make there in. However you have been making it sound as if most obese people in general want to whine and complain and blame their problem on someone or something else. Which in some very few cases may be true i.e like jackasses like the guy who tried to sue Mc Donalds for his problem. But I think for the most part people with that problem feel embarrassed and or ashamed that they let themselves get that way in the first place and are not trying to draw even more attention to themselves by claiming its someone/something elses fault. Sadly, people that big usually do have some sort of medical/mental problem the later that usually goes undiagnosed because they just hide behind the shame of people like you projecting your mindset of everyone should be/ or know better...when that just doesn't fit for everyone. And that does not mean that they are making excuses for themselves. You need to quit making grand generalizations because it makes you look like an A$$. Just because you may know of one person in your life that may be obese who is lazy and who feeds off the system and who whines and complains about how its not their fault does not make it so for everyone.
  18. Will i get to hide out with Bob & Doug McKenzie and drink alot of beer and wear a tuque. :drunken: :occasion5: but i need to bring my comp i just got a new 19" flat/widescreen mont i cant put that in the refrig. :?
  19. ummm i think i'd better be leaving the city now... :shock:
  20. [web:5f2fb9d743]http://thevolta.ca/[/web:5f2fb9d743] I came across while stumbling on mozilla.
  21. [web:bd2facf9f0]http://www.des.emory.edu/mfp/eathim.html[/web:bd2facf9f0]
  22. coolflashgames
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