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Everything posted by emtpsaveu911

  1. [web:030c939cc2]http://www.tomandjerryonline.com/images/volume6-the-truce-hurts.jpg[/web:030c939cc2]
  2. Mice by Rose Fyleman I think mice Are rather nice. Their tails are long, Their faces small, They haven't any chins at all. Their ears are pink, Their teeth are white, They run about the house at night. They nibble things They shouldn't touch And no one seems to like them much. But I think mice are nice.
  3. :? Thats disgusting i was a lilfeguard and i never pee'd in the pool. I knew their was plenty of that from the children/brats we were there to babysit. :roll:
  5. [web:e329eacc57]http://www.zarinmedia.com/xmas/chairlift/[/web:e329eacc57]
  6. While suicide is in itself a very selfish act, like one person said on here i think when there is a serious mental illness attached to it i don't think selfishness would necessarily apply. Just a very serious illness this person couldn't escape from mentally. While on the other hand when you have someone doing it for other reasons such as seeing no way out like money problems, drugs, abuse, depression, when they could have found help somewhere from someone... I can see why that would be considered selfish in someones eyes. But these people who are turning around and saying "Why didn't they think about me?" or "What about my feelings?"... I think at that period in time are still going through the stages of grieving and that sounds like anger to me. I know because i went through the same thing. Although i still feel what my uncle did was selfish, at the same time I also think for anyone to actually go through with killing themselves they really have to be mentally ill at that point in their life. I will never know what was going through his mind that day or the pain he felt. Believe me if you've ever had anybody in your life that you loved kill themselves you would understand all the Why's? and What if's?.
  7. vivibonita's--I found here or close variation to it: [web:3fc4e01219]http://www.flowgo.com/holidays/christmas/index.cfm?action=view&id=9247&scid=10237[/web:3fc4e01219]
  8. :shock: lmao The last truck i worked on also had a buzzer that could only be heard in the driving compartment that went along with the Green Yellow and Red lights. But I think i like Dust idea better!
  9. Number 6 Some people are like a Slinky.....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs. :laughing6: :evil4:
  10. Have you ever had sex orsome variation of (in or at)? I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be another person. I mean how's those Irish spring cleansing beads working for ya? :twisted:
  11. Yes I realized my mistake in that " all of the above" answer should have been in there after i posted it but i did not know how to edit it for more choices.
  12. Timmy--if you read my post clearly i recognized the fact that you were just joking, I was merely addressing this on a higher level of insensitivity among caregivers and the regular public. I'm glad that the crew you were on handled this well. I'm sure this pt will remember you for your kindness. I was mainly addressing some of the negative remarks that i was reading about obese pts and the statement you made, although just joking, seems to be how a lot of people feel about these types of patients. And not just patients, obese people in general. I was using your quote to make a point but my point was not necessarily at you. But anyone who might treat or have neg. attitudes about patients like yours. So i'm sorry if i sounded like i attacked you i really didn't mean it to sound that way. Just take as it was meant to be -advise.:wink:
  13. I just thought i'd put up an anonymous poll on who has really had hanky panky at work. Of all the responses in the other thread of disgust i don't buy that no one has not at least gotten a little bow chicky bow bow. :twisted: So just answer the poll, don't post anything else if you don't wish to. Sorry admin if this shoudn't go here i just thought i'd keep it with the other thread. :twisted:
  14. This kind of attitude is unacceptable. Not only is it immature but it is unprofessional. If you were on my truck and i caught you acting in such a way you would be sent home immediately/fired after the call. You can't even begin to know what it is like to walk in another person shoes. Now I know you said you were just "joking" but unfortunately this attitude is prevalent in EMS or society especially the male vs. female. It is more acceptable for a man to be more overweight than a woman. I think this is like any other call that requires sensitivity such as mental illnesses your not going laugh at someone who says their going to kill themselves right in front of their faces or "around the corner". You have no idea what it took for this person to get this big maybe it genetic, medicines, depression, overeating, or something like abuse. My husband told me a story he heard in one of his classes (he has Master Social Work Specialty in mental health). There was a girl who kept coming to school dirty and all the kids in the class made fun of her because she smelled. Finally one boy asked her why she didn't ever take a bath. And she simply told him it keeps him off me at night. You never know why someone is why or how they are so don't judge so harshly. sorry rant off/
  15. :x well i guess i'm a complete moron then cause i cant even get past the first level I found the "it begins html" but i cant figure out what to do next !!!!!!! oh well i'll try later i give for now :?
  16. :laughing6: Judgmental-maybe, funny-definitely!
  17. If you all see santa or his reindeer in your living rooms me thinks you need to cut back on the
  18. =D> Couldn't have said it better. :notworthy:
  19. Eric posted: Hmmm I think we know what goes on in the back of your ambulance . If you ever happen upon me just be sure not to ever use the airways please. I think we've covered this in another thread on the cleaniness of our airways. (i think it got locked) Anyway-- Condoms, Gatorade, Lotrimin, dog leash, golf balls
  20. photobucket :twisted: :twisted:
  21. :laughing6: :laughing3: yes it explains it a little...maybe this a little more..some men just can't let go look how happy they are...
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