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Everything posted by emtpsaveu911

  1. photobucket
  2. Same [/font:953d58e6d4]
  3. thirty-two minutes and
  4. [web:295b38e267]http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k241/emtpsaveu911/CrazySquirrel.gif[/web:295b38e267] Maybe if the poor hedgehog was wielding one of these he could have protected himself better, but then again he does have some pretty good weapons of his own. :shock:
  5. rare
  6. It's not an EMS shirt but from my fav TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO. http://www.hbo.com/larrydavid/
  7. tart
  8. :shock: (soda is shooting out of my nose) :notworthy: asys That has to been the funniest F-ing thing i've heard in a long time. Thank you.
  9. =D> :thumbleft:
  10. I agree with Dust on this, stop drinking now if you respect yourself and this profession. You have to find and use better ways to deal with the stress of a troubling or bad call/shift. If you are this way after only one year... just imagine how it can get for you if you don't change something. Like Ruffums said talk to someone you trust co-worker, friend, pastor, shrink,etc. Hollywood already portrays us in a somewhat negative light. Self-destructive, mentally unstable, with alcoholism, gambling problems, drug abuse, you name it. Obviously it sounds like you really need help dealing with the stress of your calls. You may be good at your job hands on, but some people just are not cut out for it mentally. That is what you need to figure out for your own sanity and happiness. And for the profession of EMS. And maybe you just had a crazy night getting to drunk for the first time. Just be careful. :wink:
  11. :laughing3: :laughing6: Thank you for settling the "Pants" issue that info was very enlightening.
  12. They have a show for these types of people , they can -- :violent1: :pain10: :boxing: to their hearts content... GUEST APPLICATION FOR THE JERRY SPRINGER SHOW Personal Information: Name___________ Nickname______________ CB Handle___________ Yore Mama Name______________ Yore Daddy Name(if known)________________ Spouse's Name_________________ Relationship to spouse: ___Sister ____Brother ____Mother ____Father ___Pet ___Aunt ___Uncle Occupation: ___Unemployed Mechanic ___Gun Show Dealer ___Skinhead Number of Children in Household___ Number that are yours___ Circle Highest Level of Education: 1 2 3 4 How Far is Your Mobile Home From a Paved Road: ___1mi. __5 mi. ___? Number of Times You Have Survived a Tornado: ___ Number of Vehicles Owned___ Number on Cement Blocks___ Truck Equipment: ___Gun Rack ___Pit Bull ___Spit Cup ___Fuzzy Dice ___Rebel Flag ___Naked Woman Mud flaps ___NRA sticker Weapons Owned: ___Tire Iron ___Pick Handle ___Beer Bottle ___Shotgun Number of Dogs Owned: ___ Number of Homemade Tattoos: ___ Which of the Following Appliances are in your Front Yard: ___Friggerator ___Heatin Stove ___Warsher ___TV ___Freezer How Many of the Above Appliances Work: ___ Fav-o-rite Recreation: ___Drinkin ___Cow Chip Throwin ___Possum Huntin ___Crawdad Huntin ___Spittin Backy ___Scratchin ___Watchin Wrasslin If You Can Read, Which Magazines Do You Prefer: ___Soap Opera Digest ___Rifle and Shotgun ___NWA ___TV Guide ___National Enquirer ___True Confessions Which Stinks Worse: ___Hogpen ___Outhouse ___Spouse Can You Spell Your Last Name: ___Yup ___Nope Can You Remember Your Last Name: ___Yup ___Nope Have You Ever Stayed Sober for More Than One Day: ___Yup ___Nope Do You Know Any Words with More Than 4 Letters: ___Yup ___Nope Which is Correct?: ___"I Seed Him" or ___"I Seen Him" How Many Cartons of Cigarettes Do You Smoke a day? ___ Math Test: How Many Food Stamps Do the Following Cost? ___Six Pack ___Ciggies ___Shotgun Shells ___Backy ___Prostitute Number of Times You've Seen: ___a UFO ___ Elvis ___Elvis in a UFO Health Questionnaire: Which of the Following Do You Have? ___Head Lice ___B.O. ___Crabs ___Runny Nose ___Boils Can You Remember the Last Time You Bathed? ___Yup ___Nope Color of Teeth: ___Yellow ___Brown ___Black ___N/A I hereby swear this is the trooth and sign my "X" on ______________200__ http://www.oldhippie.com/rednecks/jerryspringer.htm
  13. OK I'll be the first one to say how devastated i would be if i lost one of my pets. And in the event of a fire if it was still safe enough after all my family was out i would try and make sure my pets were also. But $49 a mask ..... :shock: made just for animals :shock: .....am i confused or do we or don't we carry different sized masks on the trucks from neo on up, also cannula's and extra tubing...so in the very unlikely event that you should have to administer o2 to an animal why not use what you already have in the truck and save the donations for things that ems really could use. Which in this case i realize the donations were made by animal lovers specifically for that reason but maybe the fire dept could have stepped up and educated the community about how their money could be better spent on updated equipment to better serve the human population, and that the masks that they have on their trucks now will work just the same for their beloved animals. But what do i know I'm just a paramedic. :roll: :wink: P.S Yes i have rolled as a vet on an PR ambo call emtp
  14. Harm
  15. :pukeleft: :pukeright: thats just not right
  16. before ( i think, i get the two confused) _ p
  17. lol- My first dog name was Candy and mothers m name Berry Candy Berry
  18. burn
  19. abyss to another
  20. hello ...passumm on this way :wink:
  21. heat
  22. the dark angel
  23. And Paragod exits.
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