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Everything posted by therring

  1. No, anatomychic you do not sound mean. It is like I have enough confidence to work as an EMT it is just getting through the practical exams. The good about taking the exam over is now I know what to look forward to and that helps alot. My instructor told me that nearly every test she took rather it was EMT exams or anything, she had to go through retakes. I guess she was trying to be encouraging, but she told that she has noticed that people that to work a little to pass the exams usually end up being the best EMT. I will just be so glad when I can test and get this done. I am really eager to get out into the field. What bothers me sometimes is that I am 33 years old and I have wanted to be an EMT since high school, I have know idea why I did not do this sooner. Oneday I met a man that was 65 years old and he told me he did not become a paramedic until he was 60. Better late than never.
  2. Yes, that was a question in class about the guidelines. They have changed since I finished class, and my instructor told us that they would test us on what was current while in the class. For example, we trained on 2 sets of stacked shocks. The machine we tested on just has an on and off, analyze and shock button. I finished my course in June and took the NREMT Exam August 5. I have to retake some practicals, in case any of you are not aware how Louisiana system works, well it works slow. They only test once a month usually the first Saturday of the month, occasionally twice a month. They have to receive your testing application before the 5th of every month to test for the next month. Now I am stuck waiting until November to take my test. At least that gives me more time to study. Sometimes what I struggle is when I get nervous I get tongue-tied. For example when I was doing a rapid trauma assessment of the head, I said I am check for CFS, instead of CSF. I guess the examiner felt I had the right idea. I am having a little trouble with Apneic Patient, getting my timing down. I also had trouble ventilating the patient because the head was hard to tilt back. I am squeezing with right hand and trying to hold the head back with left, I feel uncoordinated, but because I did not tilt, the head back far enough the chest would not rise and fall. Then when I got to the point of when your partner assists you, I was able to hold the head back with both hands and it was then I saw the chest rise and fall. Any advice concerning this matter?
  3. Can someone tell me if this sounds correct. I will be following Louisiana Practical Skill sheets. Body Substance Isolation/Scene Safety Question First Responder: How long have you been performing CPR? Do you know what happened to this patient? Direct FR to stop CPR while I check for a pulse. Examiner will state, “no pulse.” Direct FR to resume CPR while I get the AED ready and attach to patient. (right pec. and left ribs) Direct everyone to stand clear of patient. (at this time the machine will give directions……..) After 3 shocks check pulse. Examiner will state, “no pulse.” Direct FR to resume chest compressions I will check for effectiveness of CPR Direct my professional partner to measure for appropriate size airway adjunct and insert at this time. Direct partner to begin ventilations via BVM at 15 lpm. Ventilations will continue without unnecessary/prolonged interruptions. Questions any bystanders that may have shown up. AED will begin analyzing patient, direct everyone to stand clear of patient. Deliver 3 shocks Check for pulse (examiner will state one of 3 things) No pulse and No respirations (load patient continue cpr while in route) Pulse and no Respirations (continue to ventilate via BVM while in route) Pulse and Respirations (ventilate via non-rebreather) Consider this station complete
  4. I do not know about other states but when testing in Louisiana they will tell you that day if you passed or failed your practicals, but they do not tell you what parts you missed. I was told they did it that way so there would be less and less complaining about the practical stations. As far as the written test if you passed all your practicals that day they send it Idaho for grading then you will receive your results in about 3-5wks, now there is a break down of what areas you scored the highest and lowest on the written test. I have already taken the written exam, so therefore I have to pass all my practicals before they will send it off for grading. My written exam just sits there until I pass the practicals.
  5. Do not feel bad, I have to retake all my practicals, and I am taking the Basic exam. If you miss three stations, you have to take all five over again. I do not know if this will make you feel any better, I treated a cardiac emergency like a respiratory emergency. I felt like a total idiot. Also, during the AED I shocked more times then I should. I was so nervous that when she said patient has no pulse and no respirations I guess I just panicked and I press the shock button, and then I thought, "Oh my God." Then when did the Apneic patient station the head was so hard to tilt back so naturally this chest was not rising and falling. I know this sounds weird but I have more confidence now about testing than I did the first test. Right now I am just waiting for my confirmation letter so I can retest. I am not where you live but I live in Louisiana and the state never gets in a hurry to do anything. Good Luck!
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