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Everything posted by bf1511

  1. I agree the monitor would be a good idea because of the MOI and complaint. It will not give us a definite answer but may assist in the long run. Now the next question, whats up with the altered LOC. You mention nothing about any head injury or other Hx to lead toward altered LOC except an Rx of micronase. Hypoglycemia may also lead to irregular heart beat. I have had patients with hypoglycemia show a perfect A-fib then resolve with glucose. I know its a stretch but worth thinking about. The key thing to remember is the monitor is just like everything else, a tool out of the box. All tools are used when you think you need them. If you have a suspicion and need to use a tool, use it. It shouldn't start any arguments about when to or not to do it.
  2. EUPNEA free or restful breathing. PND
  3. Here in most of western NC we call it a truck. The agency right next to us calls it a car. We have a guy who used to call it a bus till we started calling him a truckie and that made him change his mind. About 20 years ago it was called a hearse no matter what you drove, van, truck, or converted hearse.
  4. Unfortunately this is a risk of the job. It can and will happen sometime in your career, even with an excellent driver. The one thing no one has mentioned yet is being injured while in a fight in the back of the truck. It may be just me but I've been in several. In our system LEO refuses to ride with us 99% of the time, and think that once the pt. calms down all is well. Then once the doors shut all HELL breaks loose. If you are moving down the road it takes a few minutes to stop and get more help. I've been cut with a knife, struck with every object imaginable plus a few you wouldn't think could fly through the air. Things just happen or so it seems. Have you ever had the partner that will instigate things especially when its your turn in the back. That's my luck every-shift, Oh well sorry to ramble on. Thanks for letting me vent a little. bf1511
  5. You mean there is not a seminar "Suicide, doing it right". That means all those times I was wrong in teaching the appropriate way. OOOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSSSSS
  6. Does it come IV. If necessary we can place a pic line and then dose up when and where we want to!
  7. bf1511

    3 Word Story

    of misery and
  8. Nowhere in the document does it say convicted FELON. In an earlier post someone said rewarding criminals, no we shouldn't reward criminals but we can reward rehabilitated individuals. And yes it can happen, people do change and realize their mistakes. No one is perfect and if we were imagine how the world would be. There wouldn't be a need for us at all, perfect health means no caregivers. No need for police or fire either. No need for anything good or fun. And no need for a site like this on for people to B***H on about trivial stuff. We all know how government works, if they want it we have no choice but to accept it and move on. Why not let them care for each other in the prison system? It sounds to me like several of you have a phobia about prisons. If they are caring for each other then you wouldn't have to respond inside the big block and wire walls. If I have offended anyone I apologize up front, but this is my opinion and you know what they say about opinions. bf1511
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