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Everything posted by Cjarred

  1. I love EMS and I haven't even gotten hired on yet. I know this is kinda off the subject but I am trying to locate some peolpe in EMS that can give me insight to where is the best place to start out. I have a good friend at AMR, who works in my town and I have sent in my application to them. I have also sent off my app' to a couple other companies. I hear all these horrable stories about making 7/hr and living paycheck to paycheck. I would love for all of you to shed some light on this for me. Where you work, city and State Company Years of service & pay. What about those who go thur EMT-b school and end up in the ER room working full time. Whats that all about. I am a sponge.......please give me some info to soak up. Calley Stockton, CA
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