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Everything posted by rush99

  1. KE5EHI, thanks for the additional info these two posts of yours are the two best resources ive found, Can you also work youth sporting tournaments and events with an EMT-B?
  2. KE5EHI, that was perfect, exactly what i wanted to know, thanks so much.
  3. Ok thanks for telling me about the First Response, that sounds like a good idea, ill look into it. I didnt just want to drive an ambulance, but i just was uninformed and thought that that was just what the lower trained members of the crew do, aid the medic and drive while they work in the back. This first response sounds like a great way for me to get my feet wet like i wanted, thanks.
  4. Well i assume that it would be a better idea to get the position with the least training to get a feel for the job and see how i can actually do in those situations, and then if i decide it is what i really want to do i can always get more training and move up, but if i discover it is not for me, i have not wasted years and money training to get the top job. I am planning to major in finance, and it is what i have always wanted to do, but i have always had a nagging feeling to do something that actually helps people. I dont want to retire at 60 and look back saying i was a workaholic in my office and never did anything that made a real difference in anyone elses life. I thought about joining the Army before moving onto my career, but it doesnt look like that is going to work out.
  5. Sorry if i sounded like a just wanted to drive the ambulance and not do much, but since i was just looking at it for part time, i did not think that going through all the courses to become a full paramedic would be the best idea. It seems that just more of a first responder can get trained quicker and still help, i was kind of assuming that everyone works with partners, one the lesser trained emt, so they drive, while the more trained one is in the back, but i guess i could be totally wrong there, sorry. I know i do not know a whole lot about the ocupation, but i am just starting to look into it as an option so i was just looking for some guidance.
  6. Hi guys, looks like this is a great forum, i just have a few basic questions for you guys. I have tried searching for all this but i just havent found great results, so here i go. I know there are a whole bunch of different ranks and what not, but to pretty much just drive an ambulance and do the basic help for calls how much schooling is required? Can you get it done in a few months or does it take a couple years? Also do you think it is possible to do that while going to college for something else, or is that just really pushing it? thanks for your help.
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