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Everything posted by Oilersfan1

  1. Thanks All :occasion5:
  2. Not bad I do better on this than the real thing. lol :occasion5:
  3. Littman Master Cardiology works great for me. :occasion5:
  4. lol :occasion5:
  5. lol :occasion5:
  6. lol :occasion5:
  7. Thanks everyone for all your comments. We have now purchased two of these units. They have yet to be used on a code but look to be beneficial to our service due to long travel times. We will see when they are used. Thanks again Cheers :occasion5:
  8. lol :occasion5:
  9. Bring back the death sentence :occasion5:
  10. Good One :occasion5:
  11. Lol :occasion5:
  12. lol I also think you need a sense of humour to work in this field. Cheers :occasion5:
  13. I agree with eye for an eye. They should be fried. :occasion5:
  14. congrats :occasion5:
  15. Yes but to ensure a fully charged battery this procedure was adopted. We are 30 mins. from the hospital. I was wondering if this was required.
  16. I would like to know how users of this device manage the batteries. We are currently changing the battery once per shift to ensure fully charged battery in the device. Does this differ from procedures used by other users?
  17. I was just praying Cheers :occasion5:
  18. lol Cheers :occasion5:
  19. Good Old northern Alberta Cheers :occasion5:
  20. When extremly tired. lol Cheers :occasion5:
  21. I agree with nsmedic393. Cheers :occasion5:
  22. lol Cheers :occasion5:
  23. lol Cheers :occasion5:
  24. I don't feel you are wrong, but I wonder what the reason was for your other EMT to say this. Cheers :occasion5:
  25. Not for the pay but the challenge of the job and the opportunity to help people. Cheers :occasion5:
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