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Everything posted by boeingb13

  1. Liver and sourkraut every day, it will make a man out of you
  2. 14. Make sure you always proof read for mistakes
  3. boeingb13


    Me thirsty for coffee
  4. I am sorry to hear the outcome of the test, and I pray for you to return to what was once your normal ways of life, in some sense or another.
  5. Im a firefighter/paramedic in Jacksonville, I can send you pictures of the trucks and us working to show the kids, and write a letter to go with it, let me know, my email is my name here with @aol.com behind it.
  6. You could always bag them, and toss them in the trash, put them in paper bags, they'll break down.
  7. Its amazing the technology that we have now, think of where we'll be tomorrow.
  8. Maybe now that we've gone in and taken him back with force, they will think twice about boarding american flag ships.
  9. We have a woman stop by about every other month or so, and gives us a 100-150$ standing rib roast, what are we suposed to do, throw it away. Whenever people drop off money or checks and tell us to go buy lunch or dinner, we turn it in to admin, and they put it in the firefighters for families fund. People are going to show appreciation, its a matter of what it is, and what you know/think is right to do with it.
  10. Does the spouses partner have a significant other, look for chances to get together maybe at a cook out or something similar, maybe a worry will turn into friends. Other than that, if theres no signs there shouldnt be any worry.
  11. Unless you plan on moving theres no reason to get it
  12. Washington D.C. does the 24/72 schedule. They run alot, and it seems like that schedule works well for them.
  13. Brandi's prego and its mine, all mine Muwahahahahahaha
  14. I was hunkered down with work, medical sop's and a huge trauma test
  15. Sorry everyone about my late reply, it was DVT he threw a PE
  16. I want to let a few more people take a shot, then i'll type the answer
  17. You show up on scene, 49 y/o white male, actively seizing on the couch, body is rigid salvating out of the mouth, pt has shit his pants, and is drenched in sweat. You take a manual B/P, cant get anything. You hook the leads up, he's showing a brady rhythm with a few pvc's. Pt has stopped seizing, states he feels terrible, he is not really having chest pain, alls he can see is " I feel like complete shit" Pt HX - No prior medical, no drugs, onset was 10 mins ago, nothing makes it feel better, ;ast food was eggs for breakfast, no allergies. Nothing out of the norm on anything. Pt drives 5 days a week delivering stuff to daytona, makes 1-2 trips a day. Pts left leg is slightly swollen. He keeps saying he cant breath, he is on 15 lpm via NRB, sats are 98%. Why did he sieze, what is the ultimate reason this guy is in this shape. Think out of the box on this, and look for the 2 main clues in what I typed. Once he got to the er they RSI'd him and instantly intubated him and took him for x-ray.
  18. My name is Brian, I live on Jacksonville Florida, I am a Emt Firefighter on with St Johns County Fire/Rescue, I am currently finishing my paramedic course and testiong in T minus 1 1/2 mths. I surf alot, and have played the drums for 16 years, I have a special place in my heart for spanish women, and have been known by many names, all of which I cant type here. Many people hate me because i go into the chat and quizz people often, to see who knows their basics, and when they dont know them, I send them sites that they can go back and read and refresh on stuff they may have forgotten, or were never taught.
  19. Just Like Heaven, by The Cure
  20. Im glad you all thought a good bit about this senario, i know I didnt give alot of info, but what I gave was pretty much what we saw on scene. The throat had us all wondering ourselves, there were so many ideas as to what it could be. But like one response stated, " I'll never forget this one". Im trying to get together some other good ones that had us really thinking. Thanks for all the responses.
  21. Ok guys, since I will be very busy over the next two days, im going to post what the problems were. 1) The hamburger in the throat, was severe throat cancer due to years of chewing tobacco. 2) The discoloration from the nipple line up was because, he did fall, and threw a PE. I would of never guessed the throat cancer, even after being told the guy didnt go 2 seconds after he woke up with out a mouth full of chew. I'll have some better ones for you coming up soon. I just wanted to throw that one out to see what feedback came back.
  22. No burns of any kind, other than the discoloration from the nipple line up, the pt is unremarkable. He's laying there, a wrench a few feet away, no one saw anything, they only assume he was working on the equipment and fell, if he fell the fall would of been 3 feet. But no one was around him all morning, except when he showed up. He made some coffee, grabbed his tools, threw in some chew and went into the field.
  23. The bluish purple is the skin color, it is from the nipple line up. The ground is hard packed clay, no gravel or loose stones. I to racked my brain over what this could be, and now that I know I will never forget it, in case this ever comes up again, I will post what it is in 2 days.
  24. You are called to the scene of a 49 y/o male He is on the ground unconsious, he is laying next to a large dumptruck, with a wrench a few feet from him, and the hood is up. He is bluish purple from the nipple line up He has no pulse, and no one saw what happened, they only guess he fell Upon opening his airway you find alot of blood and what appears to be a traumatic injury to the back of the throat, with the appearance of bloody hamburger meat. What is your assessment, what would you do, but the main thing im looking for, is why is this guys throat like this, what could it possibly be? This call threw us for a loop until someone told us something that made it make sense. After a couple responses i'll post the answer.
  25. I have a few sites that will really help emt students, and a few things for medic students, I dont think I can post them here, but if you catch me in chat or go to boeingb13@aol.com, and let me know you read this, i'll be more than happy to send you the links.
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