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    Springfield, IL

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  1. I agree Rid, the local press here printed a story of a guy barely escaping a car fire. I was there all I saw was the steam from the radiator.
  2. emsdave

    3 Word Story

    with some mayo
  3. EMS is a job of extremes, you will: 1. work with some of the hardest working people that you will ever meet, or someone who brings a new level of lazy. 2. work with someone that you enjoy, or someone that can't stand to be around for another minute. 3. work with someone that cares about being professional around a patient, or someone who keeps getting called into the office to explain their actions. 4. someone who cares about their personal appearance, and the way their rig looks, or someone that looks the same as the homeless person you just brought in. 5. someone who is willing to keep learning, or someone who already knows everything. Finally before you know it, you yourself, start falling into these categories. Personally I love this job, I can't picture doing anything else, but there are times you just shake your head and wonder WTF.
  4. I don't know what part of Illinois you are from, but in our curriculum, Springfield & central Illinois the EMT-I as been eliminated. The paramedic program as adopted the changes to combine the EMT-I in with the EMT-P program. Anyone with an EMT-I license will have to take the EMT-P program or drop down to an EMT-B. From my understanding this will be a trend in Illinois. Good Luck with your test.
  5. 16,000 calls in 11 weeks? That's around 208 calls a day, everyday. :scratch:
  6. 3frank17 respond to ******** male unconscious, breathing, complaining of hip pain. ](*,)
  7. Would you believe in central Illinois, the private ambulance companies pay; $7.00 - $7.50 Basic $8.00 - $9.00 Paramedic $9.00 - $10.00 Crew Chief
  8. Tiny Hiney?? I'm 6'3" 275 lbs
  9. E.M.S. - Every Marriage Suffers My wife works Mon-Fri 8-4, and does not understand why I might be tired coming off of a 24 or 36.
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