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  1. Thanks for the advice!
  2. Not a whacker bro, not new to the public safety scene just new to ems. Just like being a firefighter you can learn alot from the guys who have been in the field a while. They know the stuff that works and doesnt because they have tried it before. Thats all im looking for.
  3. should be starting on the rescue in town soon and was wondering what any of you experiance folks would suggest for must have items to carry on your person. I figure a good pair of sheers and other misc things but figure some of you may have other "tricks of the trade" to offer up.
  4. Good question. Seems like alot of the states require some real life experiance as part of the class. I may see if I can get some time on an ambulance either in my town or another town where I know a medic.
  5. Thats cool you guys get ride time and ER time, I just started my EMT-B class, one week down but we dont have to do either of those.
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