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MedicAsh last won the day on October 28 2015

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About MedicAsh

  • Birthday November 7

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    Photography, EMS, psychology

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  1. How NOT to impress your medic on the first day: Get the ambulance stuck on a fire scene and in a place where you can't get the wrecker in to pull you out until the fire scene is cleared by all firefighters. Oh and you can't run the ambulance because the exhaust pipe is covered by the snow so your medic sits outside and freezes her a$$ off......yep....long night of trying not to kill my partner.

    1. PCP


      sounds like it was not a fun shift! I am sure your partner felt bad.

    2. spenac


      Why didn't you as the lead tell your partner where to park?

    3. MedicAsh


      Ok, let me clarify. Yes, I was the medic and I did tell him where to park. He did feel bad about it but he is by no means a new emt. He has been working as an EMT and a fire fighter for years. This was my first night working with him. Everyone failed to tell me that he has night blindness and had a hard time driving. So when I asked him if he wanted me to drive and he said no I maybe would have driven or at least urged him to let me drive. I am not trying to be bitchy here but I think that th...

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