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Everything posted by MedicAsh

  1. Patient with poor oral hygiene and had tooth pain. He needed transport to ER. The crew had less that 3 minute transport to the ER. They gave him 10mcg Fentanyl. Ash Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks everyone for the input. I really appreciate it.
  3. Are you a Yooper or a mainlander? I am in Wisconsin. Welcome to the city. Ash Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. LOL thats ok. Thanks for answering. It made me feel better about taking the test. Ill keep you updated .
  5. We carry Zofran right now. We also have Compazine, but its hardly ever used. I think I used it once. Zofran is the med of choice in the ambulance. In the ER we alsu use phenergan. Like in the ambulance, 9 out of 10 docs prefer Zofran. I think it works fairly well in my opinion and experience.
  6. I do under Twinkle Toes Photography on facebook Ash Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I am mainly a nature photographer. I have done some other things (family and pet photography) but I focus more on the nature stuff
  8. I am a photographer.
  9. Like the parkland and rule of 9's? Anything else?
  10. Welcome to The City!
  11. Has anyone here taken ABLS (Advanced Burn Life Support)? I finished my online class things at the beginning of the year and I am taking the hands-on testing in May. Does anyone have advice?
  12. Scene times here are a tricky situation. We live in a very rural area. Our boss has it in the policies that 20 minutes is MAX. Does this always happen? In the majority of cases yes we are very good about our scene times. There are cases that we have longer scene times. Living in Northern Wisconsin, we could have many things that keep us from having good scene times. Distance comes into play, if we know we have a longer transport time, we may do more while enroute. if we have a shorter transport we may do more on scene. There are so many variables that can play into scene times. I think we do well here but there are times where we can't. This goes for both rural and urban EMS.
  13. We carry Versed and Valium. While we mainly carry them for seizures. We can administer them for anxiety or agitated patients, but we have to contact medical control prior to get the order. If the patient is too agitated, that is the point we call police. If need be, we have a great working relationship with the law enforcement, we can and will request them to ride with us in the ambulance. I personally have not had to give any medications for agitation.
  14. I agree with ERDoc. There are many variables so it would be best to contact the state.
  15. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  16. Working the night shift. I could really go for a call at the moment!

  17. Ya know Spe if you live in a place like Wisconsin I guess we could just stop and get some fresh milk from the side of the road. LOL
  18. Feels good to work at my "home" station again. I can't wait to be here full time once again.

  19. I am moving back to my home station! WOOOOOO.

  20. Interesting article. There are some things I agree with and some I disagree with. 1. I think this is a local or state issue. When I took my paramedic I had to take additional anatomy and physiology classes.Does this make me a better medic, no. Does it help with my knowledge of disease and the processes of the body yes. I agree with the fact that there needs to be a greater knowledge of anatomy and physiology. I also feel that there needs to be more clinical time. We had to do 505 total hours. There has been talk that they want to have more classroom time and less clinical time. I am not sure about anyone else but for me the clinical time was some of the best learning. I am not saying to lessen classroom time because this is also valuable in learning. You need to learn in the classroom to do well in the clinical setting. Like I said, I am only speaking for me. 2. Yes, sadly EMS doesn't get paid well. It is a fact of life and it sucks somedays. There are people who are trying to raise a family and pay the bills. I have to say I am not in EMS for the pay. If i wanted to have a good paying job, I would have gone to nursing school or something else. I am not saying its fair that we don't get paid much but I don't see anything changing anytime soon. 3. I agree. No other comment. 4. I agree with this too. 5. I believe this is what we should continue to do. I know the company I work for encourages this. Its actually part of our values. I sadly see many that dont believe in this. I work with some people who dont care about committing to excellence. They want to stay where they are and dont think they can improve anything.
  21. Happy New Year to my EMT City friends and family!

  22. The survivors from the crash are doing ok. I talked to the medic today. He is doing well considerring.

  23. Prayers for a fellow medic and friend that survived a med plane crash near Chicago. He is one of 2 survivors.

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