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Everything posted by MedicAsh

  1. So what- Pink
  2. 24 How old were you when you first ever drank alcohol?
  3. I am on meds. I also did some therapy. I did make a huge mistake last year and I did lose my job but I made it past all of that and I continued to be an EMT/FF.
  4. I made a huge mistake last year and lost my job as firefighter. I am now an EMT firefighter. I was put in the 72 hour hold a few years ago. its not like it was last year. I actually cut myself until 5 months ago. I am doing great! I found something that worked for me to make myself stop cutting and I actually feel lots happier knowing that I am not dependant on something to make me feel better. That is in the past and I am only moving forward
  5. Ok, this is coming from someone who used to cut. YES I USED TO BE A CUTTER. There was once that I was treated VERY nastily because I hurt myself. How did they know? Look where the cuts are. Are there scars around? Is it on the wrist? Is it in an area that can easily be covered? There are many ways to know. SI is not just cutting. SI can be burning, biting, hiting, smashing, hair pulling. There are many forms! As for the rights that were posted at first. Most of them I agree with. I had a doctor look at me and tell me that I must be clinically insane for doing this to myself and I need to be locked up. Well, he did just that. He got me put in 72 hour lock up. I was NOT suicidal, I was NOT a harm to anyone else. To be honest it was a coping skill that I had learned when I was 15 and until I was 23 I still used it. I felt like I was being punished for coping with my stresses. I dont have scars all over my arms. Its different for everyone. I dont do it for attention. No one knew. I am just recently coming out about my cutting. My mom doesnt even know. So in EMS, I have noticed (here anyways) that you dont see a lot of ambulance calls for SI unless they are bleeding really bad, have a really bad burn, or have another major self inflicted wound. And yes it is hard to tell if an injury is self inflicted or not. If you think it might be, then ask the patient. Yes they may lie but you tried. The ER will usually be able to figure out if it is or not. If you have anyquestions Ill answer if I know it. NO I am not a expert but having been there I know about what Ive been through.
  6. Sorry I missed this. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ITK(mom)!!!!!!!
  7. I am enrolled in the Associates Paramedic Technology program. I have heard that more and more services are requiring medics to have a MINIMUM of an associates degree. I am seeing it here. As for a Curriculum for medic classes. Those are different for each college/university offering them. This is what our is here at our college: WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 10-801-195 3.00 GEN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 10-806-177 4.00 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY 10-809-196 3.00 or RACE ETHNIC & DIVERSITY 10-809-172 or ECONOMICS 10-809-195 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY 10-809-198 3.00 or PSYCHOLOGY OF HUMAN RELATIONS 10-809-199 Total Credits for Term: 13.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected Enroll Term: Catalog Nbr (select to view course info) Second Term Course Description Credits ORAL/INTERPERSONAL COMM 10-801-196 3.00 ADV ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 10-806-179 4.00 MICROBIOLOGY 10-806-197 4.00 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 10-809-188 3.00 Total Credits for Term: 14.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected Enroll Term: Catalog Nbr (select to view course info) Third Term Course Description Credits PARAMEDIC FUNDAMENTALS 10-531-151 5.00 PARAMEDIC PHARMACOLOGY 10-531-152 4.00 RESPIRATORY MANAGEMENT 10-531-155 2.00 CARDIOLOGY 1 10-531-156 3.00 CLINICAL 1 - EMT PARAMEDIC 10-531-157 4.00 Total Credits for Term: 18.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected Enroll Term: Catalog Nbr (select to view course info) Fourth Term Course Description Credits CARDIOLOGY 2 10-531-158 3.00 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 10-531-159 3.00 PARAMEDIC TRAUMA 10-531-164 3.00 EMERGENCY CARE FOR SPECIALISTS 10-531-165 3.00 EMS OPERATIONS 10-531-166 3.00 CLINICAL 2 EMT PARAMEDIC 10-531-167 3.00 I also am getting my psychology and communications certificates. So my costs will be a little higher but Approximate Tuition Cost: $6114.15. That is with out books. The books for the first semester of medic ALONE is over $800. You also have prerequisite books. I have to agree with others that this does NOT make you a better medic. The subject matter of the paramedic programs are all the same. We all take the same NR skills. We all are testing over the same subject matter. I am not in the program to be a better medic than anyone. I not only see the assiciates dergee required in EMS but other areas also. There are many jobs in the paper or online now that are stating that this degree is required as a minimum. Its not because they are better but I think that many employers want the "educated" person. I dont think having an associates degree makes you any more educated that the next person. I have seen people without a degree have the ability to do their job functions as good as or better that one with. I guess its a 50-50 toss up. damned if you do damnedif you dont, know what I mean?
  8. Inside the Fire By Disturbed
  9. I am going to wait for a few more replies then I will tell you my take on the situation
  10. http://www.parapluesch.de/whiskystore/test.htm Ok the purpose of this game is to cure the stuffed animals of their mental illnesses. I warm you this is a tough game and its addicting. It took me a few hours to beat it last night!!! Ihope you all enjoy!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Let me know what you all think.
  11. This is a huge issue here. We have county fire, and city fire. This is confusing so brace yourself. MM 190 to mm 245 interstate (east to west) North and south if city is paged then it stays the same - city fire primary extrication county fire, fire suppression on the 1st out call. Should the need arise that there is a call while the 1st out crews are out then it changes to county extrication and city fire suppression. EMS does NO extrication at all. Did I confuse you all?
  12. I wish I could make it but I have plans to go to Wisconsin this summer. I would love to meet you all though. Maybe next year if we start planning soon enough I can make it work.
  13. I am a female, I am a firefighter and an EMT. I had to work my ass off to work up to some of the guys but I did it. If you truly want it bad enough, you will work at it! I agree in saying that just because someone is a female, does not mean that we need lighter requirements. If you are in a structure fire and you have to drag someone out, are they going to be lighter if you are female NO! I know that being a female, you may not be able to run faster or lift more that a male, but you need to be able to push yourself to show that you can do the job. I can do jy job as a firefighter as good as any of the guys on the department can. I hate wonem who sit and say i cant do it cause I am weak. Get over yourself and TRY! Those are the women who make the rest of us look bad!
  14. MedicAsh

    3 Word Story

  15. MedicAsh

    3 Word Story

    the life out
  16. MedicAsh

    3 Word Story

    but totally rock
  17. MedicAsh

    New Game

  18. MedicAsh

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  19. MedicAsh

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  20. MedicAsh

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  21. MedicAsh

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  22. MedicAsh

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  23. Its really sad that we are having kids have kids. We had an 12 year old have a baby here! 12 YEARS OLD!!!!! She had the baby c-section but still....I had better things on my mind than sex when I was 12! Boys still had cooties at that point in time. We had a 14 year old get pregnant and her parents were happy and excited?!?!?! :shock: :shock: My mother would have killed me! What has happened to us as a society that this is allowed to happen? It seems like sex has taken over. I know that there are parents out there who take the time to be involved with their kids' lives and I gave all of you out there KUDOS for being part of their lives. Its sad that some parents just don't give a damn and (here anyways) it seems like the kids whos parents don't care are the ones who end up getting ore getting someone else pregnant. Then they don't care for the baby and end up being like their parents who just don't care. I think its really sad. This is just my opinion on the whole deal. There are great parents out there and I do give them Kudos. I am 22 almost 23 years old and I can't imagine having a baby right now. One day yes but right now no way. I have a lot I want to still accomplish. I am not sure about other areas..but here we are required to take a living class where you have to carry around an actual baby simulator. It cries and you have to figure out what it wants. You have to change the diaper, you have to feed it, you have to calm it when its caulky, You have to do everything as if it was a real baby. There were times when you would get soooo stressed that you wanted to just throw the baby. That was how I realized I was NOT ready for kids? Do you all have anything like this in your areas. It is now required of our freshman/sophomore high school students. It was elective when I took it but I am glad I did! Ok anyways I am done ranting LOL
  24. Stupid+People=Job Security!
  25. MedicAsh

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