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Everything posted by MedicAsh

  1. MedicAsh

    New Game

  2. MedicAsh

    New Game

  3. MedicAsh

    New Game

  4. MedicAsh

    New Game

  5. That is funny right there!
  6. :shock: :shock: damn and I though wyoming was bad!
  7. What is wrong with people these days? :roll:
  8. LMAO!!!!!
  9. My fine is $200 not too bad....
  10. omg both of those are toooo funny!!! lmao
  11. looks like some crew somewhere had a lot of time on their hands LMAO that is funny
  12. I think this needs to be posted at the admissions windows of EVERY er. LMAO
  13. As some of you have seen, we have these orange shirts and OMG! We have a few orange t-shirts and an orange hoodie. Makes us look like we just got out of prison LMAO
  14. I am very happy withour uniform in EMS. you wear blue or black pants and we have a maroon polo shirt. We can also wear any of our t-shirts that say something about our ambulance service. As for fire I would like to go with what we have in ems. For fire we wear blue pants and a grey buttonup shirt (its not comfy).
  15. That is too funny!
  16. We had a gal on our service work up until she was due. We were sympathetic towards her whe she had days when she didnt feel well but she had no complications and worked up until the very end. I think a lot of it depends on how well the pregnancy is going and how you feel. I personaly have never had to deal with this. Congrats on your soon to be bundle of joy!
  17. MedicAsh

    Too cool

    Ok its not funny but ionteresting!!!! I never knew what would happen if you played jingle bells backwards!!! I cant believe what i heard http://www.portalmix.com/club/revista/curi...ls_Reversed.swf
  18. Wel they finally decided that the driver would not be charged. They looked at vehicular homicide to speeding and they feel that she has paid enough having to deal with the fact that she killed her friend and injured 3 others.
  19. MedicAsh

    3 Word Story

    by purple monsters
  20. I am handling it as well as can be expected. we had a debriefing with everyone involved (pd, fd, sheriff, and us) There is a new law about driving in wyoming. We have the graduated liscensing and the girl that was driving is going to get in loads of trouble. Here is what she is saying that happened. "I was driving dow the street and I think I ran over something. I was looking in the mirror and the car when up on the median curb. When It got to the end of the median curb it came off and the wheels turned sharply and that is when we hit." They are still trying to determine speed at this time. There is a memorial at the pole where the kid died. He was a member of the band and an awesome drummer. Did great in school. We as EMT's went to show our condolances and added to the memorial. The pd and fd also did. We added flowers to help remember. Thanks all for your concern and support during this rough time. It has affected us as a community more that you know.
  21. Working as an EMT you see lots of things. Yesterday was one of the hardest things i had to deal with. 5 High school students were driving to school and something happened. They hit a concrete barrier to a light pole and all of them are in critical condition and one passed away last night. There was no drugs or alcohol. They did not try to stop at all. NONE WERE WEARING SEATBELTS.! Some people think that you only need seatbelts while on the highway or interstate. That is not true!!!! All of these kids were injured badly and one is dead. Doctors said that the one kid would still be alive today if he was wearing a seatbelt. The others would have been less injured. Our community is deeply saddened today. Many people are looking for answers. No one knows what happened. The detectives don't even know. Speed may have been a factor but they are still trying to figure it all out. This has caused me to start a new platform. WEARING SEATBELTS AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN A CAR!!!! Even a low speed crash can be fatal. Most accidents are within 5 miles from home. PLEASE WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS AT ALL TIMES!!! Encourage everyone you know to wear them. It may save your life!!
  22. fare
  23. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol that is so funny!
  24. Well its not dumb but I was really embarrassed!!! We were sitting in the ER when a truck pulled up to the ambulance door. We went out and he said he had his daughter in the back seat and she had just rolled her car. So I ran out to the rig and got the backboard and collar and everything. When I was running back I forgot about an Ice patch that was next to the door. I slipped and fell and slid underneith the truck. Everyone just looked at me. I had the backboard sitting on top of me and everything else all over. I wanted to just die. I handed them the stuff and I went and had my ankle checked (I had broken it 7 month prior to that). It really sucked. The guy just looked at me like I was the wierdest person in the world LOL.
  25. We would snap each other with tourniquets. We had wars and would go home with welts all over!! Well one night it turned into a water fight in the ER (NO there were no patients in the ER at all). It was all fun till One EMT fell. That didn't stop the water fights though. We had 2 more through out the year and would have to go home and change. LOL One day for april fools (I was a tudent at that time) The ER doc walked out to a culture swap with this nasty looking shit on it. He was in on the prank to get me (the student), so he pulled out and licked it!!!!! I about threw up and walked out of the ER. I could hear the entire ER staff laughing. When I walked back in they informed me that it was peanut butter on the swab stick. I was not thrilled to be part of that joke but I lool back and laugh at it now. LOL
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