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Outstanding work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now "young grasshoppa" you can begin the process of learning how to take care of the sick and injured.

Please, please, please please for the rest of your career in pre-hospital care always keep asking why! True knowledge lies in knowing "the why"

Stay very close to EMT City and folks like Dust, Spenac, Ridryder911 and countless others, oh and of course me :D

Throw the remote control at your EMS base in the garbage can and take a pick axe to the TV, its waiting to steal your mind and must be stopped.

Now, go forth an heal young one and Godspeed!

Don't just accept anything anyone tells you, and for damn sure always be suspicious of anything the American Heart Association tries to push as fact. They are for sale to the highest bidder and their science is suspect at best. They are motivated by the need to support the pharmaceutical companies that support the doctors that recommend the medications that support the pharmaceutical companies that contribute to the AHA, you get my point.......

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