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2nd what should i do???????????????????????????

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Thank you a lot for all your help. For all of you that keep griping about my spelling, grammar and such, I did not even know that it had posted on the sight. :shock: The sight wouldn’t let me spell check the sight keep freezing up. So I’m so sorry if I have inconvenienced some of you. What I had typed was just a ruff draft. I didn’t even get to proofread it. The sight froze up and wouldn’t let me do a thing. So I had no idea that it had even posted thank you so much for the put downs and the butt chewing seems like that is how people are these days. This is what I had tried to post will see if it works right this time.

Hello all I am having a hard time this year I am a vol. EMT since 2001 we have about 90-125 calls a year. I have tried going on every call when, I can. We have no schedule or any thing. I have also fought nonstop with two EMT ‘s on our department. [No matter what it is about they want it their way] I have always thought of the pt. when we go on a call. They will not leave things at the door when we do go on a call. I haven't been going on calls lately and now they are griping about why im not responding. For almost six years they have really pushed me. For me not to be so involved and now that I’m not. They are mad that I’m not going on calls. I should also say that I had been the EMT supervisor for about three of those six years. Last year and a couple of years back I declined hoping someone else could get it. Which one time it was one of them and they quit about three months into the job. Hoping this would be better for everyone and maybe they would back off of me. They had been on the department for almost 14 years. I am much younger then they are. There were three of us that got on at the same time and they have basically run off the other two that got on when I did. Please help need info thank you ps. I also still love helping people. But when I go on calls with the two EMT’s I could just as easily spit on them [EMT’S} because they will not talk to you or answer a single question { I do not want to spit on the pt. }

I have tried to kill them with kindness, be mean to them right back, I have even prayed for them but nothing seems to work. And please do not tell me if I quit they win. I have heard this enough times in the past six years. When is it enough?

thank you for your time.



You shouldn't have to use spell check, just learn how to spell and type.

For example, this is a Website, also known as a Site. Not a Sight. Thats basic, elementary English.

We now return to your regularly scheduled thread.


While I feel strongly that all volunteer services should go paid, I also feel that those that choose to stay should insist that the service be run in a professional manner. You must set an example by acting in a professional manner even when posting on a forum. Find your services by-laws and read them. Work with-in those rules to force a more professional attitude. Then work to convert over to a true professional paid department.



It is an interesting dilemma. If you move on to a bigger and better service, do not look at it as they win, but rather as; you win.


Hey Dolphen, I'm sorry we jumped all over you, this was not what you needed to see for your first post or so which I am sorry I was part of. For that I apologize to you. You obviously are hurting and really reaching out to us here who have the experience to maybe help you.

Here is my take on this whole matter.

You have done what you can do to rectify the situation and you have two choices

1. continue on with the status quo and try to continue to work in an obviously bad environment ... or ...

2. Leave the destructive environment and find a place elsewhere which might not be as good as you wanted OR it might be better.

You need to sit down with your department's leadership and express your grievances. I would first start with documenting all the incidents from here on out as to how the others are treating you. The documentation should be done as soon after you are presented with the situation as possible

do not use slang, angry words - you need to be completely impartial and unemotional.

You can discuss your emotions during the meeting with your higher ups.

If that doesn't help then more than likely it will never get better and you will be better off out of this toxic environment.

Now this brings me to one pessimistic thought here - Are you sure you are not part of the problem? What I mean by this is, are you sure that you do not contribute to the environment by either consciously or uncsonsciously making things worse.

Do you give it right back to them or do you walk away calmly and leave it be? If you do that consistently then you will not be a valid target for long. But if you throw it right back at you and you escalate things then a natural response for all involved is to rise to the level of agression or "yelling". The more agitated you become then the natural response of the other person is to match that agitation and it just goes higher and higher.

My advice is just to walk away when you are getting angry. It immediately defuses the situation and it gives you and them time to cool off.

That's just my opinion


First, if I understand you correctly, you handled a lot of calls during your first several years at your volunteer service, and when you followed the suggestion of others to cut back your hours and/or number of responses, the same people criticized you for doing it?

Throw it back in their faces, saying that you were following their suggestion, or better yet, take it up with the chief operating officer. Then, take what other suggestions being offered by the EMT City members you feel might best improve your situation, and discuss them with either the full membership of your organization, or at minimum, that chief.

Second, I consider myself, with some college under my belt, but no degree, to be somewhat educated (even if it is the school of hard knocks, which so many of us attended local chapters), yet I use the spell check before I send a posting. Consider it an automatic "proofreading", which sometimes still doesn't know what the proper spelling of some words I use.

You're new here, you'll learn the idiosyncrasies of the system (spellcheck corrected the word "idiosyncrasies" just now, but doesn't want to allow me to keep as a single word, "spellcheck").


Is there an opportunity for you to further your education and in doing so, move on to a paid service? Even if it means taking one class at a time, start in the local community college and set goals of where you want to be in the future. You seem to have a sincere desire to serve in this industry, and I feel you and your future patients will be wonderfully served if you begin your education. Begin with English and be willing to take the lowest entry level classes offered if you need them. Then progress to the more advanced classes.

I remember taking a humanities course on the civil war. When I signed up for it I had an overwhelming sense that it would be the most boring ridiculous class I had ever taken. As it turns out, this was by far one of the best classes I have ever taken. The most important classes I have taken, in my opinion, were the anatomy & physiology classes. Each was a semester in length, included labs and actual professors as "instructors"

In their finite wisdom North Carolina OEMS doesn't require traditional A&P. OEMS requires "A&P for EMS", which is a dummed down version of A&P and doesn't even last a semester. As you would assume, this class has no labs and pretty much anyone with an OEMS teaching credential can teach.

Just remember, ill mannered uneducated mutts bark and snarl, but that’s all they have to offer. You, on the other hand, have the insight to ask questions and spend time learning. Education is an awesome experience and as you travel along your journey you will develop better grammar and spelling skills then the good stuff!

  captainstandup said:
Is there an opportunity for you to further your education and in doing so, move on to a paid service? Even if it means taking one class at a time, start in the local community college and set goals of where you want to be in the future. You seem to have a sincere desire to serve in this industry, and I feel you and your future patients will be wonderfully served if you begin your education. Begin with English and be willing to take the lowest entry level classes offered if you need them. Then progress to the more advanced classes.

I remember taking a humanities course on the civil war. When I signed up for it I had an overwhelming sense that it would be the most boring ridiculous class I had ever taken. As it turns out, this was by far one of the best classes I have ever taken. The most important classes I have taken, in my opinion, were the anatomy & physiology classes. Each was a semester in length, included labs and actual professors as "instructors"

In their finite wisdom North Carolina OEMS doesn't require traditional A&P. OEMS requires "A&P for EMS", which is a dummed down version of A&P and doesn't even last a semester. As you would assume, this class has no labs and pretty much anyone with an OEMS teaching credential can teach.

Just remember, ill mannered uneducated mutts bark and snarl, but that’s all they have to offer. You, on the other hand, have the insight to ask questions and spend time learning. Education is an awesome experience and as you travel along your journey you will develop better grammar and spelling skills then the good stuff!

Dolphengirl, captain and I sometimes don't agree on things, but life is full of choices. Sometimes I choose to accept his point of view, sometimes I don't.

But should you choose to ignore the advice he's offered here, just understand that you are now, at this moment, making the choice, to short change your future.

Quit fighting will silly people girl. Become the medical professional you want to be!

You are stuck fighting with these boneheads because you have no other options allowing you to do what you really want to do. Give yourself options.

There are no good shortcuts.

Good luck on whatever you decide.



Even if the SpellCheck on this site is malfunctioning, you still have MS Word to compose your posts in, let it check your spelling as you type, then paste it over to here and post it. That's what I do with my long posts, as the SpellChecker here doesn't seem to speak English very well either. Just a thought. If you really want to be professional, there are always ways to do it.

But, since the spelling thing has already been adequately covered, I’ll move on to the other forum policy that you apparently overlooked while reading the rules of the site. Honest mistake, I'm sure. But we would really prefer that you not tease us with your subject lines. In fact, "what should I do??????" is very specifically mentioned as one that you should not use. Maybe something like, "Conflict In My Volly Squad" would be more appropriate in the future? And thanks for hearing us out and still choosing to stay and talk with us.

As for your problem, ya know... I used to love building model airplanes. It was my life. Coolest hobby ever. For about six years, I spent every spare moment of my waking hours in my workshop, meticulously assembling and customising model airplanes with the greatest of detail and precision. And I bet I spent much, much more time and money on it than you have ever spent on EMT training. Then one day, it just wasn't fun anymore. So I quit. And the model airplane manufacturers didn't go out of business, because there were plenty of other kids who quickly took my place. Now all those airplanes are still in boxes in my mother’s garage, some of them never built. Ever now and then I still think of them too. It was good times! But I quickly moved forward with my life, and found a new hobby that was just as interesting and fulfilling.

You can too. Good luck.


Oh, and plus 5 for not feeding us a lot of BS about how you do this to "give back to the community," or because "we wouldn't have EMS if I didn't do it."

That kind of honesty is refreshing.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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