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Less talk, more action please.

Who wants to *really* try to change things?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • I just want to bitch about Basics. They suck.
    • I want to help educate people and change our system- but I don't have the time. Someone else do it.
    • I will actually endeavor to change our system myself, in whatever fashion I can.
    • What's everybody's problem? I like Basics!

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Here's your warning. This is a slightly frustrated rant... and I have a head cold, so perhaps my logic won't be the best. But if you're not interested in the purely personal opinions that I'm about to throw out here, now would be a good time to hit the "back" button. :wink:

First off, since when is it ok to just complain about the problems we're seeing and then do nothing to fix them? How hard is it to devote 5 minutes towards actually acting on something, like actually taking the time to talk patiently to someone who's confused or really just not getting the message, either here or in the chatroom? How hard is it to send a polite "hey, because you don't seem to understand this, here's what's bothering folks and what you probably don't know about the forum/chat yet because you're new" private message?! I swear to God, I've done this about 7 times in the last 3 months, and every last person has said "why did everyone else jump on me instead of just saying this?" to me. It's called being a n00b. Lend a hand and jump AFTER they've been given some polite hints- not just right off the bat. Some of the folks I've talked to have become much better at the whole shebang.

Or like googling your state EMS contact info so you can figure out who the education coordinator is instead of yet again slamming basics. We get the message already. If you'll notice, many folks who've taken the time to read all of the discussion we've had on this matter have concluded that yes, the EMT-B curriculum is severely lacking. No disagreement here.

What I don't get is that y'all (a generic, directed at many people in here) expect every single brand new forum member who's a basic or FF/EMT of some kind to implicitly know that is our position here when they've not been exposed to it *and* they've been brainwashed by the very system we're trying to fight.

Talk about making it harder to get the message across... if you attack someone who's operating from a position with less info, they're just going to think you're an arse. If you really must, keep a Word file of links to the threads where we explored this topic, tell the person "hey, I think you'll understand my position more if you look over this, *really* it isn't personal" and shoot it to them in a PM.

And I think what's really been my breaking point is the way folks have responded to the ambulette and high school EMS threads. No argument from me that I crack my fair share of jokes about folks eating the soap... but the picture struck a raw nerve with me after learning in the last few months that some really beautiful souls exist in many folks who are physically disfigured or mentally challenged. Maybe' I'm just PMS'ing or something.

But the high school EMS thread... you think that kid will never show up in the City? How do you think he's going to feel about all of us "professionals" when and if he finds out how y'all made fun of him like that? Jesus folks... he's working with what he's got in his system there, I'm sure if he was exposed to some better ideas he'd probably go for it. So he looks kinda geeky... so did I in high school. And as for the "saved a life" deal, he's an adolescent, and he knows he did something that changed someone's life. To him, it's a big deal, because he hasn't fully learned what medicine is really about yet. Making fun of a 16 year old who's already been set up in a bad system is just stupid... it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

We talk about educating people and moving into the future... but doing stuff like this is going to keep us right where we are.

Here's the less talk more action crux part: I want to see who REALLY wants to PERSONALLY contribute to this change, and who just thinks it's a good idea but is waiting for someone else to get the ball rolling. If you're just going to bitch, then fine. Quit whining and dissing basics- it's old and makes you look really stupid after a while. If you want to really do something, by all means, let's get together on this and change things.

*rant off*



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For a young person who honestly can not be considered to be experienced in life, you actually brought out some good points. Your very right we need to quit attacking one another, especially the new people. I am guilty :oops: . I know you attack me it's going to harder to convince me I need to make a change or even to listen to your opinion.

Your also right the problems are not going to be solved on places like this unless all 15000 plus members come together and get the word out that we need changes for the better.

Congrats a rant that actually was good.

Hope your head cold and PMS get better. :wink:


Great post Wendy.

The biggest issue I have with the folks attacking the new members are they tend to be the same attackers over and over, with the same silly posts. The people that won't lock horns with established members, or those they consider more intelligent, so they pick on those that haven't yet learned to defend themselves. It seems to have gotten better of late, but perhaps I have been missing the offending posts.

What has worked in the past, and I believe will continue to work, is to simply call those folks out when they do this. Your logic is good! But for those looking for virtual penis extensions by attacking those that can't fight back within the framework that those of us that post regularly work withing (thus allowing themselves to be attacked further), I'm afraid it will have limited effect. I'm sure you've noticed that once people learn the rules, and are no longer easy targets, the harassments stops.

Also, we don't need the cooperation of the 15000 members. There are only several dozen, more or less, that post productively and regularly. To those people, that are more interested in learning than bloating their post count...I believe your post will have the desired effect.

I'm on board with you on the theory that we need to nurture newer members, for at least their first have a dozen posts. For the most part we are often able to control that with positive posts. But it certainly is time to put up or shut up. Time to expect those that give advice in one or two sentences to become substantive, or just shush.

Regurgitating Dust's opinions in reply to the first post of every basic or FF is not advice and I'm just not going to take it any more!! (Yeah, ok...too dramatic...but it felt good to say it.)

Anyway, I'm on board with you lady...Good post.


  DwayneEMTB said:
It seems to have gotten better of late, but perhaps I have been missing the offending posts.

Well you sack of lousy EMS want a be. Where have you been. I have attacked everyone lately even the Great DUST. Did I offend, I hope so. In the words of Dust Go big or go home.

OK just kidding. Also I apologize for my attacks and my rants, especially toward the newbies. I will try and behave.

Alright enough being nice, catch you taxi drivers later.


I find so much bitching, but not doing. We all know it’s easier to complain, but call your local representative that takes work...

But like JFK said, (Well paraphrased anyway) We do the hard things not because it’s easy, but because it right…

Here are a few others who lead by example…

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”

Samuel Johnson

“Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.”

Benjamin Disraeli

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Never, never, never give up.”

Sir Winston Churchill

We will make changes to the system when we want to…

Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way!

  DwayneEMTB said:
There are only several dozen, more or less, that post productively and regularly......

The question to the above quote is WHY??? Maybe because those of us who used to post more often are tired of every post being picked apart and attacked? Doesn't matter if you're "New" to the site or not! And admin does nothing to stop it.

I know that's why I don't post much anymore. So, even though I'd like to respond to posts more often, most of the time I don't, for fear of being chastised and made to look like an idiot.

I know sometimes I AM an idiot, I don't need anyone to re-emphasize

that fact!! Talk about kill self-esteem!

And admin does nothing to stop it.



And all the other stuff that you guys do not see behind the scene.

Lets clarify one other thing. Neither AK or I can read every post as there is often 200-300 new posts a day here. If you find something that does not comply with the rules of the site, hit the report button. This goes back to the premise of this thread, "do something". You guys police yourselves. You also have the option to reply with a well thought out rebuttal to what you see.

Not everything here is going to be shiny and PC. Progress will never be made if we put everything through the washing machine so it is watered down and agreeable to everyone. Progress is made through great debates, education and action. Take a look back and see what you did to move things forward.

We have a great site here and the members can take all the credit. People that are in a position to make great changes visit here too.

Want to meet them? [spoil:6f29d6784b]mirror1.gif[/spoil:6f29d6784b]


Cute Boo i liked the added thing it was SWEET!!!!!!!

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