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Less talk, more action please.

Who wants to *really* try to change things?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • I just want to bitch about Basics. They suck.
    • I want to help educate people and change our system- but I don't have the time. Someone else do it.
    • I will actually endeavor to change our system myself, in whatever fashion I can.
    • What's everybody's problem? I like Basics!

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I still don't apologize for my picture. I see this video as no different than the tintypes of the Civil War that convinced young men that getting a miniball through the gut was a good idea. People profit off of the idealism of the young, and its wrong. If my mean spirited post wakes this kid up to reality before he ends up driving dialysis patients back and forth for some Medicaid factory and he only then sees what his years of dedicated service with Darien EMS really amounts to, then good. The truth hurts. The world is cruel. Don't chastise me when I point it out.

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It's called the internet people, grow a pair. In the end you could be dealing with a person with big dreams, a simple mind, yet fast hands (like referencing medicine on google people, god, get your minds out of the gutter).

I've been on this forum for a while.

I don't ever recall "boo-hooing" about a response to a post I have ever made. It is either a response with a laugh, a response, a "ya, ok, I was wrong", or my head exploding that people can't comprehend things.

I think there are too many people on this forum that think certain members have "immunity" from critique (my self included). And I kind of chuckle when those retort to "virgin posters" with something to the effect of "Hey there buddy, this guy has been here a while and has built a rep".

Whatever, just think about what you are posting. Have some adult structure and grammar to it. And realize that people will critique it (beyond what their "rep" is).

PS - I do realize that I am a terrible "grammar" and spelling poster. I have never tried to hide that. However spell check and reading a post over works wonders...

I still don't apologize for my picture. I see this video as no different than the tintypes of the Civil War that convinced young men that getting a miniball through the gut was a good idea. People profit off of the idealism of the young, and its wrong. If my mean spirited post wakes this kid up to reality before he ends up driving dialysis patients back and forth for some Medicaid factory and he only then sees what his years of dedicated service with Darien EMS really amounts to, then good. The truth hurts.
I wasn't asking you to apologize, but I am totally lost, how would the pictures of him with a kick me sign and a loser stamp help wake him up to reality and see his time EMS amounts to no good? I just don't see the connection from A leading to B. Even if he was open minded and listened to what older professionals told him, he's probably just feel like a "loser" and that's it. None of the other stuff you mentioned...

PS You're also assuming the leaders of the group are doing it for monetary reasons. More realistically they believe in what they're doing, whether deemed right or wrong by us. As was mentioned, it doesn't seem this town is desperate for money.

This site is tame to compare with other medical forums.. just check them out and you will see.
Ha, that's certainly true. Have you ever seen scientists argue? It's wild. Not cause they hate each other, but because they both care passionately about the truth and science.

But then again, we also have to realize not everyone here comes from the background, experience level, and exposure that would let them appreciate that. Nor do the ones who do appreciate it want it to all the time. Can't forget the sociological element here....

I wasn't asking you to apologize, but I am totally lost, how would the pictures of him with a kick me sign and a loser stamp help wake him up to reality and see his time EMS amounts to no good? I just don't see the connection from A leading to B. Even if he was open minded and listened to what older professionals told him, he's probably just feel like a "loser" and that's it. None of the other stuff you mentioned...

PS You're also assuming the leaders of the group are doing it for monetary reasons. More realistically they believe in what they're doing, whether deemed right or wrong by us. As was mentioned, it doesn't seem this town is desperate for money.

It doesn't help. I made the picture because it was funny, just like Janet Jackson exposing her nipple was funny. Its the risk you run when you step up to the plate to be featured on national television. Thats why we have Saturday Night Live, MadTv, Mad Magazine even, so that when someone looks like a doofus on national TV, we can call them on it. Where would we be without satire? Where would this country be if we had to sit around and pretend that George W. was a strong, intelligent and earnest leader without 'The Daily Show' or 'The Colbert Report'? Not to say either is right but they do provide a nice balance. The mass media can influence millions with the flick of a switch. If we can't sit back and call it like it is, then we really are doomed.

It doesn't help. But it is the truth. Anyone who is 16 years old who appears on TV claming to save lives while wearing an Eddie Bauer vest and all white who looks like the guy who reports you for parking in the handicap spot in the mall should get made fun of, because they look like a doofus.

It is about the money. Its always about the money, always. Maybe on the left coast you can believe in tofu and LSD and peace, love, and surfing, man, you can still believe in the delusion that people do things because they care, but where I'm from, business is business, and believe me if someone wasn't saving a buck by deluding 16 year olds into believing they can save lives, it wouldn't be happening.

I still don't apologize for my picture.
It doesn't help. I made the picture because it was funny
Theeennn, why are you are you seemingly justifying the picture by saying it might have that effect (above)?

I Anyone who is 16 years old who appears on TV claming to save lives while wearing an Eddie Bauer vest and all white who looks like the guy who reports you for parking in the handicap spot in the mall should get made fun of, because they look like a doofus.

While I don't dress like that I think it portrays a much better image to the public than most companies I've seen (minus the age thing). I'm glad they weren't dressed like cops or firefighters or in military fatigues with pants tucked into their boots with equipment all around their belt. I'd trust the guy in the vest sweatshirt over the guy in average t-shirts and jeans student wear...I might steal his lunch money while I'm at it....but I'd still trust him more.

It is about the money. Its always about the money, always. Maybe on the left coast you can believe in tofu and LSD and peace, love, and surfing, man, you can still believe in the delusion that people do things because they care, but where I'm from, business is business, and believe me if someone wasn't saving a buck by deluding 16 year olds into believing they can save lives, it wouldn't be happening.
Maybe somewhere along the line in the city manager's office there's a financial issue, but I'm sure they'd survive without it. I'm pretty sure the program leaders aren't in it for the money. I was in a volunteer explorer program for the city and I guarantee you, the city and department lost money on us.

And yeah, it's pretty comfortable believing in peace, love, surfing, and (yuck) tofu...it tends to work out when the people around you similarly believe in it.


I second ptemt's motion to elect Eydawn to the Council of Elders.................................................................What was the topic?

I second ptemt's motion to elect Eydawn to the Council of Elders.................................................................What was the topic?

You want to elect someone for something and don't even know what the topic is?

I must say on this one, I believe I agree with vs-eh, I'm going to go back and re-read everything again, then I will post my opinion for certian, but as it stands now, I agree with VS.

You want to elect someone for something and don't even know what the topic is?

That's right! And I fought in three wars for his right to do so!

God Bless America! :D

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