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EMT/PCP/EMT-A/Paramedic/ACP whats in a name? [Small Rant]

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I too initially belived that these titles should go the PCP, ACP, CCP route so that the Public is somewhat less confused as to the level of care they were recieving but now I agree that the Protected Under Law of Titles of "EMT" and "Paramedic" should not be changed ... this is not a Ego thing at all. But mobey when you graduated your opinion will change please trust me when I tell you.

The public has a right to know what level of care they are recieving, or not recieving, as one continue in their travel's in your upward journey you will see the importance of this. The title has very little to do with Pay, unless there is a Union agreement in place .... apples and oranges dood.

At this snapshot in time one would have to change Legislation .... HDA and HPA .. so I am afraid your barking up the wrong tree, your dealing with a huge conservative government majority that cares little about the "ambulance drivers" well accept for we cannot strike now with the latest "moon dance".

In the NWT there is no regulatory body nor title protection therfore anyone in EMS can call themselves a Paramedic .... AND they DO ! like the cooks helper with a BC OFA 3 in a camp in snowshoe, Do you want that kind of stigma as its very hard to live down after the wankers piss off the RNS, when one is a registered Paramedic .... of this I know.

The multiple levels of this and that titles ie EMT A, EMT B, EMT I, EMT D ..... yes is stupid silly it in itself but defeats any standardization of care.

Check out the PAC website under AIT tools to see where YOU fit in the National CBO for national reciprocity, I think some will be very shocked in fact.



I think the better tact would be to protect the PCP, ACP, and CCP titles and bring the province of Alberta into line with the rest of the provinces. I do understand and agree with the idea of protection of title but I still think the title and scope should uniform across the country.


One thing I hope for is that NWT Health and Social Services enact EMS legislation. Because currently anyone can call themselves any EMS designation. Another way to take care of this is the the Government of the Northwest Territories should request that the Alberta College of Paramedics take over EMS registration. with my agency we have members who are registered with ACoP.


I hear what your saying but build a better mousetrap, contact PAC and or Eric with Paramedics of Manitoba .... he rocks on, check out his blog.



I have to agree with tniuqs.

In Alberta we are better left with The EMT, Paramedic designation. I think that having different levels of "paramedics" makes life even more confusing for the public. At the very least the layperson can make a distinction between two sperate titles, but the difference between a Primary Care Paramedic and an Advanced Care Paramedic? It leaves a lot of people scratching their heads. Furthermore, the PCP title can be a tool used by the government to lull the general public into a false sense of security, while delivering a lower level of service so that they can pay less for it.

A couple of years ago when I was working in Vermilion the father in law of one of our Paramedics (yes An ACP) came down from BC. He commented on the high number of EMT's that worked in our town, and proudly announced that there are no EMT's in BC, they are all Paramedics in his province. Of course we had to explain to him that a lot of Paramedics in BC are PCP's and have the same level of training as an Alberta EMT. In fact, there are a lot fewer ACP's in rural BC then in rural Alberta, but since they are called Paramedics the average person assumes...


A few yrs back before I joined EMS I was talking with the then EMS coordinator in my town when I told him a friend of mine was a paramedic from BC. The coordinator asked me what level he was because at the ttme he said bc had 3 paramedic levels he told me that a level 1 paramedic from bc was equivalent to an emr. Iwonder if bc still does that.

A few yrs back before I joined EMS I was talking with the then EMS coordinator in my town when I told him a friend of mine was a paramedic from BC. The coordinator asked me what level he was because at the ttme he said bc had 3 paramedic levels he told me that a level 1 paramedic from bc was equivalent to an emr. Iwonder if bc still does that.

Short answer YUP.

Paramedic F.A. (first aid level) ..... a very serious issue indeed, to my way of thinking.

It leaves a lot of people scratching their heads.

Agreed! I am going bald too. In BC the PCP level does not even guarantee IV therapy, that is an additional endorsement yet on the other hand an Alberta EMT DOES, in BC even with some ACP in the urban centers trialing Hypertonic Saline + thats smoke an mirrors I say.

Hell even some of the Members misrepresent them selves as PARAMEDICS in EMT City from BC .... Oh I am so "happyness" and WTF is an EMP thats is another bs title too, honestly when I dare to challenge the BC types with these issues that ends the convo in a heartbeat ... why because they know I am calling there bluffs.

No title protection under legislation in that socialist province, when BCAS is the only authority and no regulatory body other than government minions to look to the future development and only one training enity this = retarded growth for the proffession as little to no input from the tangible membership other than union involvement, just say union in BC and THAT = "held at ransom at the ferry terminal" sheesh.

At least at ACoP we are "considered" a democracy well in theory anyway, but apathy in the Canadian culture reins supreme, funny the tools are there for improvement of the proffession but no one picks up the hammer but we prefer to bitch instead of becoming the real forefathers and Mothers .... can I say Fore Mothers here ? :shock:

Sometimes MILFs would be a better term in the ACoP office .... (a double meaning) Ok so I am a but twisted. 8)

the PCP title can be a tool used by the government to lull the general public into a false sense of security

Public perseption is everything!

Query: Do you actually believe that the general Public is aware of the "levels of Care" until they actually are riding on the ferno ? Short answer NOT a CLUE. We get a big fat "F" in PR.

Honestly the public at large is still expecting Gage and Desoto, besides the media for the last 100 years has said Ambulance drivers RUSHED the (fill in the blank) to the Hospital .... lately they should add: to wait on a cot against the wall for hours ....CHEMS is a mini Traige before triage ONLY, a joke actually

Unfortunately IMHO BLS will now become the "standard" of care in the province of Alberta as well with the municipalities and informed local representatives now becoming imputent (ie no control over the purse strings) the introduction of Stelmachs new "Beauty Eh" plans to put prehospital care under the health care new improved "umbrella" may seriously backfire for those in rural areas that in past HAD ALS care. Lately without real forward prgress or a "realistic plan" Stelmach has just introduced another Level of Beurocrats ONLY.

Not Reueters------ this just in from Stelmach .... "availability of Trained staff is at an alltime low" I declare BLS is now the new standard ... ! Tell me that isn't a very realistic possibility and I will buy all of EMT city a beer.

That said: I do see one very positive move that being a Provinial Communications for First Responders a Network just reciently announced ... at no cost to EMS .... sweet, about damn time too. All services on the same nework that sure would have helped on Black Friday, Pine Lake or the Jasper/Hinton Train derailment... yes that will piss off a few Services that for years developed their own,perhaps hurting them in the pocketbook that said it is the way to go IMHO.

It sure would be like walking in the snake pit in the movies to introduce that concept ... yikes. I think its called AFRRCS or something ... they sure need a new name, blimey what a mouthful.

The US Marines always say: If you can't COMMUNICATE you can't SHOOT.

A move in the right direction I'd say .... :cheers:

Just look to the $$$$ numbers bottim line and that will put into perspective our real importance in the general scheme of things and realistic monitary value of the AHC budget we as the providers of prehospital care are about 5% of the health care dollars designated, not a very big wheel at all and very easy to keep lubed up and with the attempt to divide labour too. If one has worked in this massive system they will understand that nursing indeed runs that circus and we are not even in the center ring, well in this snapshot in time.

Now do a little comparison for those Alberta Doods and Doodettes SO ever hear of STARS ? Does even the members of ACoP themselves have knowledge that AAA operates 12 to 14 fixed wing aircraft DAILY with more call volume per year that STARS has done since its inception .... thats right ladies and gentlemen of the rouges gallery.

PUBIC RELATIONS is the Key to the LOCK of education of the MASSES.

Now in the NWT on the other hand, a vocal and public community with TRANSPORT becoming a HUGE issue to those community's ... go for the good there fortsmithman !!!

< ahem, stands down off soapbox>


I have to agree with tniuqs.

A couple of years ago when I was working in Vermilion the father in law of one of our Paramedics (yes An ACP) came down from BC. He commented on the high number of EMT's that worked in our town, and proudly announced that there are no EMT's in BC, they are all Paramedics in his province. Of course we had to explain to him that a lot of Paramedics in BC are PCP's and have the same level of training as an Alberta EMT. In fact, there are a lot fewer ACP's in rural BC then in rural Alberta, but since they are called Paramedics the average person assumes...

Please apply universal sign for Choking... I hear the sound of hells bells !


I dunno guys.... I am gettin blue in the face, but not backing down yet.

If the major issue it how the public views us...... What about being called EMT's.

What does EMT mean to the public, I can tell you that to me it is someone who took a 2 week course slapping on O2 and "rushing" someone to the hospital. That is what the media has led them to believe.

Another food for thought, do we really want to carry the same title as the US EMT's??

I remember when I took my PCP/EMT, my father said "It is just an EMT course... If (insert 50 y/o EMT name here) can do it, I am sure you will have no problem. Hmmm, I don't think the public's perception of an EMT is what ya'll think it is.

I dunno guys.... I am gettin blue in the face, but not backing down yet.

This too shall pass, you can't kill yourself that way its the autonomic nervous system that will take over ... some days I just cant help myself AND did you read bleeps post ... just aint going to change dood, any time soon.

What does EMT mean to the public, I can tell you that to me it is someone who took a 2 week course slapping on O2 and "rushing" someone to the hospital. That is what the media has led them to believe.

Ah the media ..... now your getting it, why not contact ACCESS TV .... take them for a ride along, yea its community TV but every bit helps, ever see the episode with a very svelt RRT on "night shift workers" ?

Another food for thought, do we really want to carry the same title as the US EMT's??

Ok I will bite ... so just what is the difference .. because there is a bit more education does that mean that the EMT A can explain more about why the patient is dieing ? Sir your in V Tach but I can't do a damn thing, or I will raise your feet because your in shock, many of the myths in BLS are a crock and disproven but we still teach it in the schools and examine to that level too .... just saying.

Hey mobey, I have worked with quite a few EMT-Bs in the US that would give any EMT A a good run for the money, don't underestimate the US system quite yet, nor the many true proffessionals (EMT-:D that work in that system either ... there is lots, dust is just pushing them to improve themselves.


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