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  p3medic said:
I hate late calls, but I love my job....


What's more frustrating is when you have one of those shifts where you sit around all day, then midnight hits and its when it all starts. You can almost predict when this is going to happen as you sit around too.


I hate calls where the dialogue between us and dispatch goes as follows:


Dispatch: Unit 1, please respond to the intersection of Highway X and Road Y for a single vehicle rollover with entrapment


Dispatch: Fire 1, please respond to the interstion of Highway X and Road Y for a single vehicle rollover with entrapment

Unit 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway X and Road Y are not in our region

Fire 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway X and Road Y are not in our region

Dispatch: confirmed, location is Highway Y and Road X

Unit 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway Y and Road X are not in our region

Fire 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway Y and Road X are not in our region

Dispatch: confirmed, location is Highway A and Road B

Unit 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway A and Road B are not in our region

Fire 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway A and Road B are not in our region

Dispatch: *big sigh* I told you... it is at the intersection of Highway D and Road E

Unit 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway D and Road E are not in our region

Fire 1: Dispatch, please confirm location - Highway D and Road E are not in our region

And then eventually confirming that the call is not in our region, and after writing up the report on it, having dispatch send an email to our supervisor saying that it is our fault that it took so long because we didn't request confirmation enough... #$%^&*#$%^&*

Not saying it happens all the time.... but when it does happen, it frustrates me to no end.... (and yes, I have worked in dispatch, so I have been on the other side of the mic).

OK, my rant is over.......

  Capman said:

Why? Gotta' share some reasons.

We don't have the time, and I'd need a sedative afterward.

  Dustdevil said:
Sounds like Canadia needs to pass more gun laws!

Maybe talk to New York City or Washington, DC. They both passed more gun laws, and I'm pretty sure they completely eliminated murder from their cities. As much as they whine about what is going on in Iraq, obviously they have nothing to worry about in their cities anymore. :D

People of honor and standup don’t need the gun thing explained to them Dust. Fools that believe gun laws help anything except the criminals deserve to be shot in the face by a thug in the mall parking lot. Perhaps their straight democrat voting family members can then find this poor misguided soul and minister to their damaged inner child.

You guys doing the hard stuff in the sand box shithole have my total respect, we desperately need men and women of honor to lead this country instead of the nauseating limpwristed, helpless, hapless, dishonorable, liberal, take no responsibility for your actions, Godforsaken, fraudulent charlatans running for office in the US now.

We don’t need more gun laws; we need more armed citizens with enough honor to stand up when others run away. Just imagine if a couple of kids at Virginia Tech had been trained, armed and standup they could have killed that bastard before he killed 32 precious souls. The liberals can’t protect us, yet want to disarm us.

Just remember, an armed society is a polite society.


People of honor and standup don’t need the gun thing explained to them Dust. Fools that believe gun laws help anything except the criminals deserve to be shot in the face by a thug in the mall parking lot. Perhaps their straight democrat voting family members can then find this poor misguided soul and minister to their damaged inner child.

Honor. Stand up. Ha. These used to mean something. Now they're words Republicans use to justify spending billions. How come its always the right wing saying how Americans deserve to get shot, anyway? I tell ya, reactionaries and Al-Qaeda, its a fine line.

You guys doing the hard stuff in the sand box shithole have my total respect, we desperately need men and women of honor to lead this country instead of the nauseating limpwristed, helpless, hapless, dishonorable, liberal, take no responsibility for your actions, Godforsaken, fraudulent charlatans running for office in the US now.


Well have to say the calls in the middle of the night in which you run code 3, running red lights, and driving on the wrong side of the road just arrive and find out that there is really nothing wrong with your patient and they just need a ride to the hospital. Just wish people knew how to prioritize their emergencies better. I don't like risking my life for bulls**t.

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