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I'd bet that most jobs and careers aren't a 100% joy and filled with workers who fart rainbows. Yes, certain parts of the job suck and there's nothing wrong with complaining about it. On the other hand, if you're at an IFT company, should you really be shocked that your next call is a dialysis transfer?

never said that.

What I dislike the most though is a partner or someone who I work with bitching and moaning about something. Unfortunately you are correct, all jobs have aspects that we all dislike but to hate every aspecte of nursing home calls which 100% of them involve nursing homes, then that is a unfounded hatred and really calls me to question whether it's the nursing home that the person hates or is it the fact that they are going to a nursing home when they could be running a "cool" call.

This is no way directed to the poster who said he hated every aspect of nursing homes but it is written to make a point.

You can dislike nursing home runs but to "hate" them is just foreign in my book. Hatred is a very intense word that should be left to more bigger things.

I have felt the intense dislike of nursing home calls. I have felt the dislike of nursing homes when in the middle of sleep time they are calling us to go get someone who has pulled their foley out or pulled their j-tube out. A Strictly outpatient procedure that could be done in a docs office or at the OP clinic and should not require a 4am trip to the ER. I've been there in that aspect.

But what really gets my gall up is a partner or co-worker who complains and bitches about hating every type of call that comes out unless it's trauma or a car wreck or a code. Those people get me down and I just don't want to work with them.

It's one thing to dislike a type of call or a type of aspect of EMS but to put a word like Hatred towards defining it is just not the right slant on things.

And yes, I have plenty of consultants in my line of work who hate some sort of aspect of their job but we are adults. The word Hate and the "attitude" of hating some sort of aspect of the job should have been left on the doors of high school.

If you hate an aspect of your job then it's time to look for other work. It will only get you more and more bitter and make you less of a provider. And if you hate something then you cannot be completely professional no matter how you want to sugar coat that you are. Your attitude comes out, not so much in spoken word but in gestures and unspoken things.

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Sounds like Canadia needs to pass more gun laws!

Maybe talk to New York City or Washington, DC. They both passed more gun laws, and I'm pretty sure they completely eliminated murder from their cities. As much as they whine about what is going on in Iraq, obviously they have nothing to worry about in their cities anymore. :lol:


Unfortunately you are correct, all jobs have aspects that we all dislike but to hate every aspecte of nursing home calls which 100% of them involve nursing homes, then that is a unfounded hatred and really calls me to question whether it's the nursing home that the person hates or is it the fact that they are going to a nursing home when they could be running a "cool" call.

Nursing home -> ER calls are constantly cool (yea, the "we can't start an IV/foley/other procedure that SNF nurses should be able to do (and they call themselves skilled?) or the 1 am "abnormal labs since this morning" call don't fit in this category), the only problem is that most providers know too little about biology and medicine to respect the nature of a nursing home patient's complaint.


Do I hate myself, as I hate those who hate anyone else?

Musing philosophically, here, nobody really has to respond to this one.


Hey Capman, I've been in this profession for......well, look at that, it'll be 17 years Dec .10 (happy anniversary to me!).....I've helped many a psych patient too, in those 17 years. Didn't say I wouldn't go to psych calls, just said I don't like them!

I think I'm entitled to post my own personal opinion here, you don't have to agree with it, but you don't have to go aboard me either.

And I've had 2 guns in my face in the past 17 years, both of them by psych patients! (go figure!).....that's 2 guns too many for my liking!

All this post was asking was "Whaddya hate?".......didn't need a commentary from you, thank you very much.

You think I'm new in this profession or something???


whew, Capman, that was about the most veiled insult to connie I've ever seen.

kind of calling her stupid weren't you with the comment I like to treat the patient with my hands and my brain.

Kind of arrogant if you ask me.

and just so you know, I stand behind connies statements 100% - of the 5 times I've been assualted by patients they have all been psych patients. Go figure.

And yes, I think if you ask the seasoned medics and emts here who have been doing this for 10 or more years, you will find that many agree with Connie.


I hate supervisors. The never go out on the street (even though they are assigned a truck and equipment) but always think they can tell you what you did wrong with your last patient!



6 burned children under the age of 5, 2 dead and 4 critical because their caretaker left them unsupervised in the van while she went to the store will never be anything but sh***y.


Well, it's like this ruff' and connie'.

You know this place as well as I do. I've been charred for stating I have a tatoo. I've seen others verbally assaulted for simply asking a question. Is it right? Nah, probably not. But, right or wrong, this is a forum where we discuss patient care. I believe the intent here gathering information to improve in all areas including patient patient care. So statements such as...

"Personally, I like being able to help someone with a physical injury or illness that I can put my hands on and treat. Can't do that with psych patients."

Kind of bothered me a little bit. Why? Because I get the feeling that if others who wander through this forum to see what we and this profession are all about, it will somewhat sell us short of who we are and what we do.

But, for fear of being thought of as a jerk, and maybe it was a bit arrogant....

Please accept my apologies. Sometimes these old fingers of mine get away from me and I don't want to leave here thinking anyone hates me.

Carry on.

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