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I'm a resident at a fire station in NC and we have had some freaky things happen around here. Our station is divided up in three parts. One being the bay where all of the apparatus are kept, the other being Chiefs office and Asst. Chiefs office, Kithcen and Conference room as well as our full timers office. The third division is the "day side" where the residents bed rooms are, as well as the "living room" and other part timers bedrooms. Well if anyone is ever on the side with Chiefs office at night you will, without a doubt, here foot steps coming toward you in the hall, but they stop just before the person you would expect to see comes into view. People who have been here longer than myself say it is our first chief just checking in on the station. Another happening that happened TO ME.....One night I was getting ready for bed and I heard the bell on the front of our engine ring three times......then it rang again three more times. I didn't know the significance of this until the next day when i was talking to my Chief. He explained that when the fire trucks used to return to the station after being on a fire the capt. would ring the bell one time for each fire fighter who lived through the fire. And sure enough, the ghost rang the bell 3 times and there were 3 of us on the truck that evening.....weird....

While I lack documentation, I have heard many reports, as in the previous posting by itku2er, that patients who normally are "not with it", become very alert within hours of dying, including reporting to onlookers that a deceased relative was waiting for them. Yes, this even when the patient had no way of knowing the relative had pre-deceased them.

There is a fascinating book / made for TV movie that just came out called For One More Day. I read it because my mother passed away suddenly in her sleep last year, and it was a great part of the healing process. Anyway, in the book, the main character is with his mother whos passed away, and shes visiting friends. Turns out, these friends are dying, and in their final moments, the people that they are thinking about, become real, and they get to spend time with them. It is an incredible touching thought to think of the peace you feel in your final moments surrounding yourself with loved ones.


well richard it sounds like u don't belive in ghosts and have an explanation for it all. thats ok you may just be some one who goes through life without an experience so there for how could you believe. heres another one for u. when my oldest son was 3 my grandmother passed away. that night my husband was working mids so for compfort i brought him into bed with me. he was in a dead sleep and i was reading a book when he sat up and looked at me and said You promised me u would quit smoking. I had made that promise to my grandmother a few months before, then he preceeded to recite the lords prayer. I did not go to church or hang out with people that were religious. I dont even know the whole prayer. then once he was done he good bye i love you and went straight back to sleep. now talk about creeping you out.

and as for ruff if you spend one night here you would never leave. i have enough stories to write a book.


There is more in this world than can be dreamt of in your philosophy (Shakespeare, but probably not the exact quote).

I have had at least one episode of Deja vu, covered somewhere on a different string, and I'll raise you a close encounter of the first kind, from when I was somewhere 8 to 10 years old!

(Reminder: close encounter 1st kind= UFO sighting, 2nd kind= physical evidence, 3rd kind= met the crew of the UFO, 4th kind= abduction. After the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" came out, someone did a "Skin flick" alleging to a 5th kind...Sex with the aliens!)

My only encounter with a ghost was probably a setup by the camp councilors, and I was 4 at the time.

On request only, I'll send the file I created on the former girlfriend who taught me how to do seances. It is not due to the seances that she is my "former!"


I have zero tolerance for superstitious supernatural nonsense. Medicine comes from science and we should all respect that. I can understand having a little fun or pointing out bizarre coincidences but it never ceases to amaze me how little most Americans (btw I was raised in the US, went to American public schools) understand scientific methodology. It's actually quite embarrassing that a country that is on the cutting edge of scientific research, that benefits so much from the march of reason, is so muddled by primitive superstition.

For example, America is home to some of the world's foremost biologists and yet we are the only country that has a sizable contingent of people who actually say things like "Evolution is just a theory" -- giving away their ignorance of not only what evolution is but also their misunderstanding of what a scientific theory is.

How's that for opening up a can or worms? :lol:


I wasn't going to post due to the 'taboo/intollerance' for these situations, as I am guilty of doubting these events myself.

I am a very 'scientific thinker'. I usually can find an explanation for everything I witness and/or hear about.

Now saying that I have however had two situations that I have not been able to explain. I still to this day doubt what I saw, but still can't really explain it.

I believe I saw my grandfather who had past many years prior, or at least felt him with me. After replaying it in my head many times I can't be sure if I truely saw him or maybe just felt as though he was with me. Hard to explain but definitly something happened. Could have just been a memory triggering something upstairs for me. Or maybe I somehow let my brain get taken over by emotion for that moment in time and let my brain continue to lie to itself.

Second one was in a far north remote hospital. It was a few hours after we worked an arrest, in which we got her back (still alive to this day). My partner and I were in a small storage room (approx. 10" X 12"). This room had two doors, one to the hall, one to the kitchen. Kitchen was closed lights out door locked. The hall we had just came from was empty with no one around. Both doors were closed after we entered. While still in the middle of a conversation I looked to the corner of the room to see an elderly native women with a white sweater and grey hair. I nodded my head to her and say "hey". Turned back to my partner who was now looking towards the same corner. He had a weird look on his face. I turned to the corner again to find no elderly woman standing there. I quickly said "what did you just see?" He says he saw an elderly native woman with a white sweater walking away from the door in the hallway. The door never opened. We both ran to the door opened it and looked around the hall....nobody around. We went down the hall both ways to find nobody. The security guard and nurse on shift never saw anybody. This hospital is very small. There would be no place for someone to walk out of the hall without being seen by the nurse or security.

I began to play it down saying "must have been my imagination". Partner replied saying "you said hey and even nodded at her". It was the same description of the woman he saw in the hall. Again the door did not open, nobody was in the room when we went in.

Now the family of our arrest 'save' later told us that when she was coming to in the treatment/trauma bay she told family she saw her sister in the room that had died a year ago almost to the day. My rational for that was hypoxia and reoxygenation caused a neuronal firing of some sort causing this vision for her. I however did not suffer a cardiac arrest and although I couldn't see it I bet the air in the storage room did contain oxygen.

So scientific me cannot explain this occurance, but still choose to have doubts over what we really saw. I do recall both of us being tired at the time. So for now I'll stick with being tired as the culprit.

Stay safe and watch out for the boogy man!

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