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I was wondering if anyone could direct me to any online site or document that specifies any rules / regulations that apply to MTC's on oilfield contracts in Alberta. I have gave OHS Alberta a quick glance but could not really find anything other then training level per employee having a first aid kit and all that other archiac stuff.



I thnk thats the right site. You just need to find the list thats states what level training you need for how many employees. Then somewhere on that list it should tell you what kind of first aid kit you need for that work site. As for a strict list like they have for ambulances I'm not sure they actually have that. But I've know to be wrong once or twice in my life. hahaha

Well Merry Christmas and hope your not stuck out on a lease researching this


The Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors was a document on its website regarding MTC's, but it only deals with BC, not Alberta.



Correction: Alberta Health is hiding from this issue, ACoP has no inflence at all unless requested by OH+S the thing is they are reviewing the FA regulations and kits list as of late and they really should ! As these FA regs have not been reviewed for 20 + years The Stokes Litter is a standard ??? ..... like during the Korean War .... don't get me going !

Odd that in Schedule "H" under risk assessment that an RN or Paramedic be dictated (over 200 men camp and over 40 minutes travel to an ER dept) YET no mention of Cardiac Monitoring, Rx, Pulse Oximetry, BVM, or Traction Splints ... hell, even a suction device THAT WORKS ?

It is my understanding that the "due diligence" laws are far more indicative of what is needed on a remote site these days, more or less a comparison of one industrial site over/ under another ... so IF there is a serious injury investigation OR worse a Fatality Inquiry, then ONLY then would the medical sub contractors equitment and qualifications be scrutinized, the catch phrase used today is "practicing beyond compliance" MY best advice ask/ put on paper to your contractor what YOU believe are requirements @ your site SHOULD be, before you have a real wreck.... therefore then YOU have been duly diligent, if the Employer does not provde it or failed to provid "kit" and within your scope of practice then its there head that rolls.

Back on topic, the Alberta regs only state a conveyance that protects the worker from the elements ..... The standard old "Camper" top is not suitable or even legal to transport Granny on holidays under Highway Traffic Act ? HUH.

B.C. has adopted the roll over protection, and the Camper is BOLTED to the frame as well as Occupant (s) restraint devices. Man if you have ever seen a can I say SUN DOWNOR? hit the ditch there is no question where one "would not want to be travelling" OMG those things come apart like a cardboard box!

That said you really can't put a full fledged type 3 or even 2 without 4x4 cause you may never even get into the site .... as for the Helicopter Identifier site # .... this is a bit of a dream wish, why .... because rarely does anything big happens during the ligh ? with good visibility ? ... so don't rely on a big red bird to come and save your ass .... its just not smart to put all your eggs in that basket.

Write Alberta WorkSafe or AB. OH+S "under ask an expert" and see what you get as an answer ... hmmm.

ps Are you near Ft. M ?

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