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How competent is your management?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • A+: Very, I am treated like gold and the place runs like clockwork.
    • B: Passable they acknowledge our existence, Staff is treated with basic respect and we?re able to get busses out to help folks.
    • C: Somewhat they know what EMS stands for, it?s a paycheck, most of our patients make it to the hospital no worse than when they started.
    • D: Couldn?t find their butts with both hands , a strike is looming, but some of our rigs still work.
    • F minus: This place is hell, I don?t know what I was thinking when I took this job, and I think an ambulance has been missing for a couple of weeks now.

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I always hear of folks complaining about where they work, it a pretty universal theme, but if you could pick anyplace in this country to work where would it be or and who would it be for.

Be Safe




I will not tell you that I work at the Emeral City where every day is bliss and we have NO quirks.... common we all are human and NO work place is absolutly perfect....

But I will tell you I am highly fortunate to work where I do- we have topnotch management, we are a large family- quite close nit I might add......

I couldn't ask for more-- I enjoy my job, love going to work every day-- and I struggle with telling them NO on my day off if the call me in........

Because: WHEN SECONDS COUNT...........

We want to be the BEST thing that happens to YOU on the WORST day of your Life!

I am lucky I am fortunate and I am forever gratefull for my place of work and the managment we have in place!!!!



I will not tell you that I work at the Emeral City where every day is bliss and we have NO quirks.... common we all are human and NO work place is absolutly perfect....

But I will tell you I am highly fortunate to work where I do- we have topnotch management, we are a large family- quite close nit I might add......

I couldn't ask for more-- I enjoy my job, love going to work every day-- and I struggle with telling them NO on my day off if the call me in........

I am lucky I am fortunate and I am forever gratefull for my place of work and the managment we have in place!!!!

You're lucky, an outstanding well balanced answer (thank you), what State do you work in and approximately how many people work at your company?



I work in MO, HOWEVER we have 76 bases in operation over 12 states and I would guess that we have close to 1700-1800 employees company wide and 70 just in the Communication Center, which is where I work.

It truly is a great place and my company has proven it's self unbelievably this past two weeks........


I AM proud.... and I will stand and say it.....I find it an Honor to do so.


I think I asked the wrong poll questions on this one. I was looking for opinions on folks work environment.

Any suggestions on betters questions?



The best service in our area is Scott Township. They are given the equipment to do the job, the support through training to stay well educated, and they have a great support network with the volunteer fire department on runs (I have been told they have 2-5 individuals show up on county (rural) runs and city runs. I have made a call with them during a ride time and they had everything we needed on scene and then some. As I was talking to the guys on the way back in, they said it was always like that when they made runs with Scott. This is in southern IN, just north of Evansville. I also know several extremely good medics that are on a waiting list to work part time there. It is that desirable. EMT's need not apply unless you are with their fire service as they only fill from within I've been told (which gives them very local geographic estute individuals on each truck. They also are a combination service so you get several vols. help out at the scene after you start the initial response. They are small, but they seem to be the best around here I would say.



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