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like to hear what other people think, i was on a standby for a search for a pt on the middle of town for 4+ hours a ff asked if they could use a urinal while me and my partner step out and take his post watching for police to flush out this pt they were looking for. my partner never said it was not a good idea she in fact then stood there with me and the ff after using the urinal, 3 days later i come to find out she wrote me up for this saying it was innappropiate i was put on 6 months probation for this. any thoughts write back


It's going to sound sexist, so I'd like to point out that I have the utmost respect for women.

But after serving in the military as a medic and working with females in a professional high stress environment I've come to learn that a large amount of them are completely and totally off balance mentally.

If I were you I'd go to a superior above her head and discuss the situation from your point of view, see if there's anything you can do to counter act her writing you up.

If what you're saying is the complete truth and how it really happened, that's complete B.S.

like to hear what other people think, i was on a standby for a search for a pt on the middle of town for 4+ hours a ff asked if they could use a urinal while me and my partner step out and take his post watching for police to flush out this pt they were looking for. my partner never said it was not a good idea she in fact then stood there with me and the ff after using the urinal, 3 days later i come to find out she wrote me up for this saying it was innappropiate i was put on 6 months probation for this. any thoughts write back

Ok, I am trying to decipher your message. Try to use sentences and punctuation, it will help with others understanding. At first I thought you used the urinal or something like that.

Anyways, let me get this straight. The police are on a 4 hour man hunt, trying to flush out a suspect and you are in the middle of it? Also, a FF is pulling cop duty as well??

And YOU are in trouble for taking the FF's post while he pissed??

Theremany things wrong with this scenario, I do not know where to even begin. However, assuming the FF is a man, what was wrong with the closest bush, car, tree...whatever??

Hell, those things are not even required either, so whats the issue??

What exactly did you get written up for? Was it playing cop or letting FF use a urinal??

What is your companies progressive discipline policy? What infraction did they use against you? You are non union I presume as well. Oh well...

assuming the FF is a man, what was wrong with the closest bush, car, tree...whatever??

I too am awaiting a clearer picture. Meantime, maybe this was on the firefighter's mind. Of course, I dunno.

Hell, those things are not even required either, so whats the issue??

Water, urea...


this whole post made no sense to me considering noone can understanmd thr infractionand what caused the write up it is very unclear.....why didnt he just go find a spot somewhere?most men do anyway and second if it was 4 hrs he should have had a relief coming for him anyway and lastly why did they have a ff doubling as a cop?i live in a rural area but we have police (state)and firepolice(for traffic control etc)but they dont ever use a ff for their own duty this whole thing sounds fishy and id definitely find out what i was being written up for and why and i am sure there is something wrong with them using this ff wrongly as well

but the whole picture doesnt make any sense to me maybe it was just too pushed together maybe it wasnt fully told out immnot sure :?


If ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Since it was in town, wasn't there a business or building somewhere to duck into?

On a few occasions coming back from interstate transfers I've had nurses that ducked in the back and used the urinal. Luckily they all disposed of it themselves.


ok i will try this better. this man hunt started at 0445 i came on shift at 0600 and went straight to the scene to relieve the off going crew. By that time the polie had already used the ff's to use infer a red cam, 0700 rolls around now finally the police chief is on scene as well as suroundingd police. police chief asked the ff's to stay and also called in firepolice and state helicopter. everyone was briefed up to till now what as going on. police chief had so many ff'f go with each police to flush out this suspect and to cover a wide range. now up to 1030 no w mind you these guys on since 0445 and drinking coffee and drink. someone spots the subject while fleeing, police chief decides to place these ff's and fp post to stand watch to see if the see anything while they ry to flush this guy out again. 1030 ff called me asked if i would come to his post maybe a hsmall half a block away. i said ok when i got there ff asked if he could use the urinal while me and my partner stood his post. ff was not to go very far at all the only things was houses around and people standing outside watching what was going on so he could not use a bush the public would not like that very much. so i left him use the urinal no big deal i thought. i was put on 6 month proabtion and actually the ff was placed on 30 day suspension from his fire co


Though I may be misunderstanding the duties of this "post," I dont see how EITHER firefighter or EMT are qualified to stand guard and watch for a someone fleeing the police. That is not either of our jobs, and neither agency should have accepted it.


Hmmmmm, suspension and probation for doing a job that is NOT your job.

Sorry, no sympathy here. I have never heard of such ludicrous behavior, especially for a "mahunt". Many people were way out of bounds on this one and no you should of not been punished, as you never should of been there or asked to do what you were doing.

I certainly would not accept any type of punishment and yes you should have full legal support should you choose to contest it.

In addition, I have never been on standby for a police manhunt...this whole story just reeks.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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