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Oh, by the way, to add to my previous post, probation for six months a bit extreme. Actually to even have it as an issue is a bit too much. Sounds like someone needs to lighten up.


I now have a headache, but I think I got the jest.

It seems as if all the good citizens were outside watching the events unfold, surely they would have let him use their bathroom, I know I would have.

I would not stand post waiting for someone trying to avoid LEOs to suddenly appear in front of me. That's just crazy. However, you were put in such a position and it is really petty of your partner and your dept to even make this an issue.

I propose the next time this happens, all personnel should have a folly catheter inserted, problem solved.


since Dust has not spoken up on this one

Your service sucks if they let you play cop while on duty.

your service sucks if they wrote you up over letting a ff use a urinal

your partner is a whacked out psychopath who should be the one who got the discipline since she was the lead crew member.

Any time you are the lead crew member then most of the crap rolls downhill and strikes you first.

all in all, your service sucks


What EXACTLY did you get written up for? Allowing him to use the urinal or for taking his post? What EXACTLY did the FF get in trouble for? What exactly did your partner have a problem with?

I don't see anything wrong with him using a urinal...that's kind of what they're there for...only difference is he wasn't a patient...but he still came to you with a problem and request and you helped out another agency.


Hell.. I'd find a dark corner and let it go. Kick my ass out, I'm not holding it in. Besides, the last time I checked, manhunts for police suspects didn't fall under the firefighter job description.

  • 2 weeks later...
since Dust has not spoken up on this one

Your service sucks if they let you play cop while on duty.

your service sucks if they wrote you up over letting a ff use a urinal

your partner is a whacked out psychopath who should be the one who got the discipline since she was the lead crew member.

Any time you are the lead crew member then most of the crap rolls downhill and strikes you first.

all in all, your service sucks

What she said, twice!


First, let me say that I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS DAMN BOARD EATING MY POSTS!!!!!!111 :thebirdman:

So, let's try this agodddamngain... :cussing:

  • 1. Police Chief should be sacked for endangering civilians with his stupid snipe hunt.

2. Fire Chief should be sacked for putting his unarmed personnel in such a position.

3. Every police, fire, and EMS person on that scene should be deposed under oath by the District Attorney, and asked where s/he peed during that stand-off to establish what the options were. Those who admit to public urination should be prosecuted.

4. No, I would not have peed in the bushes that this suspect/patient was potentially hiding in.

5. It's a damn shame that your so-called "partner" got the hell beat out of her by that masked person with the baseball bat in the dark parking lot. Next week.

  • Get away from that company and that town immediately before this kind of idiocy sucks you under, forever ruining your chance of a successful career. Everybody involved sounds like toothless, inbred, beer bellied, well water drinking, overall wearing, middle school dropout Bobbie Jean's and Bubba's that don't deserve your services. Don't try to understand them. Just leave, and take your dignity with you.

And, to reiterate what Ruff said, your employer sucks.

Good luck.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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