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Dustdevil, you said that EMT's shouldnt use these ALS devices. So you mean that you shouldn't use them either?? Since last I checked the levels are EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-<http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/results.php?searchTerm=paramedic&submit=submit>Paramedic</a>???

Obviously you haven't checked in Texas lately.

And don't play silly semantic games with me, young boy.


A Licensed Paramedic in Texas is NOT an EMT-Paramedic. EMS is a big world. Whatever cheesy titles and standards you are using in your little state do not necessarily apply to mine.

And you might want to re-think coming here and playing silly little word games with people you know nothing about. We've heard all this nonsense before. You are bringing nothing new here that hasn't been thoroughly thrashed multiple times in the past. If you want to intelligently discuss EMS, you're in the right place. But if you just want to play word games, you're not going to be happy here.

I don't care how old you are. You're acting like a child. Stop it.

reaper, do your research. It's one of the benefits of the King.

Dustdevil, you said that EMT's shouldnt use these ALS devices. So you mean that you shouldn't use them either?? Since last I checked the levels are EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-<http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/results.php?searchTerm=paramedic&submit=submit>Paramedic</a>???

I also state that EMTs should not be allowed to do the King. A BLS Paramedic should be the minimum requirement.


I encourage anyone that has no experience working with King LTD's to do some research into the success rates with them. Because of these success rates one of the states that I work in has said that NREMT-Basics are able to put these in patients.

Many clinical studies have been done with King LTD's and their success rates at all levels has been extremely high, from hospital situations to EMS.

Now for the personal attacks just because I work in a state that allows NREMT-Basics to work with the King LTD's. A little criticism never hurt anyone. And finding out that you might not be the master on the subject shouldn't start a big fuss. Also, someone asking for a little clerification isn't always playing silly little word games.


Ahh but the entertainment value scores high there young grasshopper/dustdevil.

cough, splutter, gag ... I sense incoming ?

My 2 cents is that in most cases the EMTs - (fill in the blank) are in the vast majority of times (where I practice as a last aider, I believe the EMT training here is quite sufficiant) because in most cases they are inserting it in a cadaver.

(ok don't get yer poop in a knot because most urban centers here have ALS providers and in rural areas EMT (PLS) ... just look to the response time to billy bob's cabin)

The thing is (the LT is fairly goof proof) and one never know's when a more invasive airway other than an OPA just may change an outcome ... positively, frankly as an Oxygen Boy everything other than a ETT is a pain in the rump upon recieving to ER and changing out a tube to insert an ETT .... hmm?

This can potentially comprimise that patient/ le coup de gras during any exchange as it dramatically increases possibility of aspiration.

So my little rule is in field is if it aint broke don't try to fix it in da bushes !




Instructions for use: http://www.kingsystems.com/Portals/1/KING%...guags%20IFU.pdf


The Most Versatile Airway

The KING LTS-D, much like the KING LT® and KING LT-D™, is designed for positive pressure ventilation over 30 cm H2O and spontaneously breathing patients, yet offers the unique ability to easily pass a gastric tube through a second channel of the airway and into the esophagus and stomach. The anatomically shaped distal tip and cuff, also exclusive to the KING LTS-D, assist in the airway’s passage behind the larynx and into the normally collapsed esophagus.

The second lumen of the KING LTS-D, which is open at the distal tip of the tube, provides three key additional benefits:

Passage of gastric tube up to 18 French

Channel for regurgitation, which significantly reduces potential for regurgitation to get past the cuff and therefore aids in reducing the chance for aspiration.

Provides “vent” for gastric pressure and stomach decompression.

Some additional design features unique to the KING LTS-D are:

Smaller, softer tip. This aids in easier placement.

New tapered ramp design provides additional ventilation outlets.

Ramp for passage of tube exchanger or fiberoptics located at the proximal eye. This reduces the need to withdraw the tube when using a tube exchanger or fiberoptics.

I encourage anyone that has no experience working with King LTD's to do some research into the success rates with them.

Plus 5 for that. People going off about things they aren't personally familiar with is a problem in EMS.

Now for the personal attacks just because I work in a state that allows NREMT-Basics to work with the King LTD's. A little criticism never hurt anyone. And finding out that you might not be the master on the subject shouldn't start a big fuss. Also, someone asking for a little clerification isn't always playing silly little word games.

Ah, but it was nothing but a silly little word game. It was you and your worn out, "well, your title has EMT in it too, so you are just the same as an EMT" nonsense, which FAILS on both a semantic and on an intellectual level too. That's what you were attacked for. If you have a valid scientific or professional point to make, make it. You obviously have it in you. But that was nothing but a word game which proved nothing except for your lack of a point.


heres my point.

Dont say that basics shouldnt be able to use this tool in the field without looking into it more and going from what you have heard. My main point with the comment about all of us being EMT's, but just at different levels is this: I was trained as an EMT-B in this state to use King LTD's, therefore I can use them, as were EMT-I's trained to start lines, and EMT-P's trained to push drugs etc etc. (Im not going into great depth as this is just a quick point.) Now, we are all trained to do things that people on other levels of training can or can't do. So, because I have received the training, I can use them. No matter what level we are at, some states will be more liberal and allow EMT's of different levels to do things. Saying that EMT-B's shouldnt use something that they are trained on makes no sense.

That is my point. Is this any clearer, or do I need to explain further?


Nonsense. I can train anybody to do an appendectomy in a weekend. That doesn't mean that it's a good idea. And just because some cheap, ignorant, and lazy politicians in your state decided to allow something does not make it right. The argument that because something exists that it must be good is just total stupidity. If you believe that, then you also have to accept that things that do not exist must be bad and therefore never accepted. More nonsense. If you truly believe that, then why weren't you fighting against EMTs acquiring advanced skills in the first place? After all, if they did not exist then, they must have been bad, right?

Again, you're trying to fight intellectual arguments with nothing but semantics.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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