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Ok so I'm sure this will get blocked, locked, bashed or something, but I just don't care anymore. I'm getting really sick of the constant "Volley vs. Paid people" its getting old. I'm sick of the fact that some people on her have to constantly bash Volunteers. Or even the volunteers who bash the paid people. Most of you know I'm a Volley, however I'm trying to not be biased. I have a lot of respect for paid people, but you know what I also have a lot of respect for other volleys. I just wish people would pull their heads out of their asses and realize that most of us are in this for the same reason. To help people. We're all in the same field, we are all doing similar things.We all have the same training. And this bullshit bashing needs to stop. It doesn't matter if we are white, black, purple, green, american, irish, paid, or volleys, we are all in the EMS field, and we are all doing it to help those in need. So suck it up and start getting along!


i agree. i have been a volley. and loved it. and as a paid full timer now, i love it when there are volunteers at events to be first responders before i get there.

matter of fact, i pretty much love everything about my job. and i love pretty much everyone.

but, thats just me.

It doesn't matter if we are white, black, purple, green, american, irish, paid, or volleys, we are all in the EMS field, and we are all doing it to help those in need. So suck it up and start getting along!
Well, it's a little more complicated than that....and I don't think people don't get along when no discussing the volley topic, like just in threads where volly-ism isn't brought up.

Want some cheese to go with that whine? :roll:

The truth sometimes hurt. But seriously, you should be glad that you found all this out early, before you invested seriously in the job, instead of finding out too late.

There's still plenty of time for you to get out.


Actually, I do my job because it gives me a paycheck. Helping people is something I rarely do, however in some instances, it's a perk. I'm not against people, I'm again people taking away my value as a paid professional because they'll do this job for free. I'm also against the lackadasical attitude toward education and competency assessment. It's hard for me to understand how a provider can be comfortable taking care of a patient when they run one call every three years.

You are entitled to your opinion, even if it does oppress my salary.


Well it is what it is. When you have people who have chosen EMS as a profession (read job) and others are willing to give their services away for free therefore oppressing wages and advancement of said profession, there is going to be conflict.

Get over it.


Dtrick, I understand your pain but like others said, you are off base.

I know we've discussed this over and over and over, and there is no horse left alive that want's to be dragged into this but look at from our point of view.

You are making 28000 per year as an Emt in your town.

Your service now begins to accept volunteers to offset some staffing problems.

Your service has 3 or 4 people who consistently volunteer every week so now your service decides "hey, we have these 4 people volunteering nearly full time so let's offer them a permanent shift"

so now you have 4 volunteers staffing 4 full time shifts. They are doing what you are doing for a paycheck for free.

Your service now says, well let's put on a emt class and offer free classes for those who will volunteer for us.

Do you see where this is going, the volunteers now are taking shifts away from full timers and the service now sees that they can get volunteers for free and your job is a whisper away from being taken over by and volunteer.

If you have people doing something for free then you have a deficit of shifts for paid staff.

I'll go back to the argument that

To preface the next couple of statements - the vast majority of the following do not volunteer.

You don't see doctors volunteering their time. They are billing their time.

Nurses don't work for free - they don't volunteer to pick up shifts in the local small hospital.

Trash collectors, actors, boxers, soccer players, professional sports athletes, veterinarians, and any other profession do not consistently volunteer their time.

The only profession(if you can call it a profession right now) that volunteers their time is EMS and Fire.

Even pastors don't volunteer their time and they are in a giving field also.

Dtrick, I understand that you are upset about the vollie versus paid argument but ranting and raving about it will do no good.

I'm glad you feel that volunteering your time is a good investment but consider this.

$10.00 per hour times an 8 or 12 hour shift = 120 per shift. Multiply that by however many shifts you work and you can see how a ambulance service would love you. If you do this consistently they save BIG bucks. Plus they do not have to pay benefits or unemployment if they let you go.

It's a win for the service and a losing proposition for you.


As I have stated before, Bashing vollies or EMT Basics is not tolerated. For example" "vollies suck" would be removed.

On the other hand I will not block discussion that involves the topic of vollies or EMT Basics. For example: If the discussion is in the spirit of looking at our profession and seeing the pro's and con's of it, it will be allowed.

Again, if you find a post that you find offensive, please hit the report button and AK or myself will review it. If you feel passionate about your views, the best thing to do is to defend them with well thought out rebuttals and productive debates.

I am going to lock this as this issue has been addressed.

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