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I guess I will be the one with the brass ones to say it: i was pretty disappointed by this interview but not as incensed and outraged at I was by a post Dust made on another non-EMS related site recently once again re-rating Basics. All I heard in the interview was Dust once again telling us how much cool experience he has and saying a lot of "Ummm...we need to be more professional." As for the scathing post about Basics on another site, I guess he had to take it elsewhere since we were all told to stop that bull-durham on this site. So Dust, what are you doing to fix the major problems with EMS professionalism? And before you be-rate me as a 120 hour Basic, I recently checked with my EMS instructor and my class was 280 hours. Why dont you do something instead of just bashing people all the time. I used to really, REALLY look to you for advice and guidance in my EMS career and no I just find your constantly spewed bilge about Basics being the end of EMS so putrid and disgusting that I generally find myself screaming at my monitor every time I read anything you have to write.


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So, if he's supposedly the president of EMT City, can we impeach him?


Just curious...

So, if he's supposedly the president of EMT City, can we impeach him?


Just curious...

Sorry to correct you but he's the duke of the city. One of the other trouble makers is president :D .

Guys I get annoyed at times with Dust, just as he gets with me. He is opinionated just as many of us are. The difference between him and most of the rest on here he's been there, done that, and gotten the t-shirt.

The biggest gripe that even got me when still a basic was the crap that we saved paramedics. The only thing we really save paramedics is steps. Steps back and forth getting stuff. I personally have no problem working with a basic as long as they are trying to advance to the next level. I realized really how little education I had and as I've gotten more education I am seeing just really how much more I and honestly all in EMS need.



I stand corrected :D.

I've been here a couple years. The subject has been drawn out for a really, really, long time.

Its going nowhere. People either are in support of basics, or think that we shouldn't exist. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Argh... there's really no point fighting anymore... haha, who am I kidding?

As long as there's EMT City, there will be a debate about basics!


I've always wanted to be first lady...

Argh... there's really no point fighting anymore... haha, who am I kidding?

As long as there's EMT City, there will be a debate about basics!


I've always wanted to be first lady...

What fun would the city be w/o the fighting? :dontknow:

I hereby appoint you first lady of EMTCITY. :D All hail the first lady.


Dust, stop exposing yourself. :bootyshake:

I guess I will be the one with the brass ones to say it: i was pretty disappointed by this interview but not as incensed and outraged at I was by a post Dust made on another non-EMS related site recently once again re-rating Basics. All I heard in the interview was Dust once again telling us how much cool experience he has and saying a lot of "Ummm...we need to be more professional." As for the scathing post about Basics on another site, I guess he had to take it elsewhere since we were all told to stop that bull-durham on this site. So Dust, what are you doing to fix the major problems with EMS professionalism? And before you be-rate me as a 120 hour Basic, I recently checked with my EMS instructor and my class was 280 hours. Why dont you do something instead of just bashing people all the time. I used to really, REALLY look to you for advice and guidance in my EMS career and no I just find your constantly spewed bilge about Basics being the end of EMS so putrid and disgusting that I generally find myself screaming at my monitor every time I read anything you have to write.


I cannot make any comment about his statements on other sites, and perhaps that is a conversation best saved for a different thread, as this one is about the EMS Solutions podcast.

I think we must have listened to a different podcast? I do remember Dustdevil going over his background and educational experience; however, he was quick to point out that he believed his own level of educational preparation was "barely adequate." This is in reference to having a two year degree for entry into practice.

Again, I think you are upset about something that is not related to the original topic.

Take care,



Well, you know its partly the debate about the role of Basics in EMS (or rather whether they have any role whatsoever) but the majority of what makes me just cringe every time I hear Basics, fire fighters and volunteers (both EMS and fire service) absolutely bashed by Dustdevil and then to go to another website, one that has nothing to do with EMS though there was a thread about EMTs in this organization going at the time, and to to just hold forth with the "my opinion is THE opinion" type of attitude that many, MANY of us who are Basics and volunteers have been subjected to since time in memorium. Honestly, long ago it ceased to sound and feel like someone's opinion and more like Bill O'Reilly just talking to hear himself talk whether what he had to say had any validity or not.

The facts are these: that if not in the entire US, in most states, EMT-Bs outnumber paramedics. They run a larger percentage of calls in rural and low income areas. The fact is that they also provide much emergency medical care in areas where paramedics are virtually if not totally absent. Volunteers make up huge portions or the fire, rescue and EMS service nationwide and to constantly run off at the mouth just to hear himself talk about how awful they are, how they treat EMS as if it were a hobby and how they are the downfall of EMS and the fact that EMS has been in decline in this country for 35 years and its to intimate that its getting worse because of the high number of Basics and volunteers, well talk about something that will make you throw up.

And I have to say if it had been some other random person, it might not have upset me so much. But when we had the conversation some time ago where Dust said that if the leader's of the disaster response team to which I belong were STUPID for putting EMS personnel in harms way (ie in terror or other disaster type situations) that I just had to draw the line. Ive have listen far to much for far too long to the self-proclaimed guru of all things EMS hold forth with his version of what is wrong with the EMS world. Its one thing to hold a strong opinion, its another to only have one note in the song of How Great I Art and its played on the organ of bashing others. Im sorry, but Dustdevil's rants about Basics (and Intermediates) for that matter, fire fighters and volunteers of all sorts has just gone on ad nauseum and unchecked for far to long a period of time and quite frankly Ive just had it.

I too drank the kool-aid. I do worshipped at the self-built alter of the Dustdevil for some time. But enough is enough. I gets to be too much to constantly listen to people bow and scrape to him as though he invented emergency medical services. In that interview about professionalism in EMS, he couldnt even resist the opportunity to say that when funeral homes ran EMS with hearses that as a holder of an "advanced first aide card" he was often the most highly trained on the scene. Even then when EMS involved nothing more than stick em in the truck and drive em...when Dust himself was an ambulance driver...even then there was barely room in for his ego and the patient in the same vehicle.

As I said to someone who privately told me that they were happy I said what I said because I was not the only one who felt the way I did as expressed in my first posting in this thread, Im just tired, nope, make that exhausted of no matter the constant anything you can do I can do better rantings which have permeated these forums from the golden keyboard of the DustDevil for years. Is he the first medic on the planet? Is the only one to have every combined EMS with nursing and worn his countries uniform? To hear him tell it you sure would think so. Is that what makes him so great; the notion that somehow as a military medic and clinic nurse he saves us all from our undereducated, to stupid to know any better selves? To hear him tell it you would certainly think so. I wear my state's uniform as so many of us do, but simply donning a government uniform doesn't make me the king of all I survey simply because there are countless individuals who are willing on a regular basis to bow down and kiss his pompous...butt.

Tell ya what Dust, let ego and bashing of others and more solutions. Less "I would allow a teenage female partner if she were hot and would sleep with me" and more real answers. Its not that you have nothing of value to say, its just that when you temper it with the way in which you say it, the squelch of your adoration fed ego simply dont balance out. There are many people here who have served in this profession far longer than you and yet are able to maintain an attitude of humble civility and dedication to the profession far beyond the "what's in it for me?" attitude.

Folks, go back and listen to this much lauded interview. Its a flash in the pan. There is nothing there. It doesnt even have the benefit of tearing apart the posts of others so that he may feed us all the kool aide of EMS created in his own image. Its just so much babble of an individual literally in love with the sound of his own voice.

If you are all interested in what someone who serves in the military medical corps has to say and how such an individual can inspire those around them rather than do nothing but tear them down, read "Rule Number Two: Lessons I learned in a Combat Hospital" by Dr. Heidi Kraft. The good doctor cherishes all who are willing to put themselves in harms way for the good of others and not just those who seem to do it as another feather in their own cap, yet another bragging right, yet another sharp edged weapon wielded to demonstrate the inadequacy of others simply because they aint the "DustDevil."

And to those of you who are interested in what Dust has to say in an all time low point of bashing...well...everyone who isnt him, you neednt look far. He used the same alias on more than just the City. But I for one refuse to bow and scrape to some Tom Crusian, self-righteous, holy than thou insulting the work and dedication of so many hard working individuals and then having the outright unmitigated gall not to even offer any real, substantive explanation of how things could be improved. I, for one, have had enough and am not afraid to say so.


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