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More Muslim Women Medics in U.K. Refusing to Follow Hygiene

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  kencayton said:
1. Muslim women that wear the veil & practice are a very small minority.

For now. What about when they are more prevalent? How easy is it going to be to take care of this problem when their numbers grow?

See the big picture. See the future. Think ahead. Be proactive, not reactive.

You gotta nip this thing in the bud now, not later when it is out of control.

  Dustdevil said:

For now. What about when they are more prevalent? How easy is it going to be to take care of this problem when their numbers grow?

See the big picture. See the future. Think ahead. Be proactive, not reactive.

You gotta nip this thing in the bud now, not later when it is out of control.

Well said, Dust!

With the latest 'fad' of rushing to convert to the muslim religion, it is the fastest growing religious sect. From what I've seen in the news, the intent of the Islamic religion, is to either convert the population of the world, or eliminate those that will not be converted.

This is no secret!

The medical profession and health care in general cannot be expected to cave in or bow down to 'religious preferences and practices' while sacrificing sterility, and trying to prevent cross contamination of patients, because someone 'objects' to cleanliness for 'religious reasons'.

If your religion 'prevents' you from staying clean, then the medical field is NOT the place you should be!

  Dustdevil said:
For now. What about when they are more prevalent? How easy is it going to be to take care of this problem when their numbers grow?

See the big picture. See the future. Think ahead. Be proactive, not reactive.

You gotta nip this thing in the bud now, not later when it is out of control.

In regards to this matter I've been having a think, and I'm not sure where the heart of the issue is to be honest. On one hand I feel everyone has genuine concerns with the hygiene issue, as I do, which I quite agree is something that needs to be fixed sooner rather than later as Dustdevil has said.

However on the other hand I'm not sure wether some of this is rooted in a nationalist point of view. The issue of the veil and covering up of extremities is discussed almost every time it comes on the telly at work, and the general voicing of opinion is that people should leave their religion at the door. The force of that opinion seems to differ with the generations.

In general I find my generation don't get as heated when talking about it, but people who have maybe 20 years on me get very, um, passionate.

Also if anybody wants wood for the fire have a look at what the Archbishop of Canterbury has been saying... :evil: :shock:

  kencayton said:
However on the other hand I'm not sure wether some of this is rooted in a nationalist point of view.

What's wrong with nationalism?

Isn't sovereignty the point of a nation? Are nations not established in order to provide a society of shared values for its people? What do you think the chances of success are for a nation that decides to be all things to all people, instead of centring around common values? Slim to none. And that is what is happening to Western society right now. They're going down the toilet because of this "I'm okay, you're okay" psychobabble nonsense that was disproven in the seventies, and should have died then.

  kencayton said:
However on the other hand I'm not sure wether some of this is rooted in a nationalist point of view. The issue of the veil and covering up of extremities is discussed almost every time it comes on the telly at work, and the general voicing of opinion is that people should leave their religion at the door. The force of that opinion seems to differ with the generations.

In general I find my generation don't get as heated when talking about it, but people who have maybe 20 years on me get very, um, passionate.

And therein lies the heart of alot of the problems!

If there were more 'passion' for self and country, then the United States wouldn't be screwing itself and her citizens to give the jobs of the American people to some third world country that will NEVER be able to afford the very products they're producing.

Had the American people supported the American economy, instead of buying all the Chinese and Japanese imports (and thereby supporting their economy), this country wouldnt be in the deep shit its in now!

I hear almost on a continuous basis, how Bill Clinton was the 'greatest president ever'. Well, let's open our eyes to something that 'Uncle Bill' Clinton did to his supporters on the way out the door.....

He signed two bills, NAFTA and GATT, which allowed the jobs to go overseas, (obviously in the favor of big business.) Prior to those two bills by federal law, not more than 10% of total production could be done outside this country.

Another problem I've seen in those "20 years on you", is that the desire to stand up and be ready to defend this country that we all call 'home'! At the risk of opening old wounds, after September 11th, the loudest screaming I heard, was the 'patriotic indignity' from those people that couldn't be 'bothered' to stand ready to defend this great country! These are the same people that allowed the sorry state of affairs to happen, because they couldn't be 'bothered' to stand up and vote!

It's high time we turn back the clock, and start doing things a little differently!

We need to get rid of all this tree hugging/grass eating/everybody is happy bullshit, and realize that you only get out of life what you're willing to put into it! We need to stop trying to accomodate everyone else's ways of life, while sacrificing our own ways. Just because you try out for the team, doesn't mean you're going to be 'on the team' and it sure as hell doesn't mean 'everybody plays'!

As Dust said, this B/S psychbabble was disproved back in the 70's because the whole concept of a 'kinder, gentler America(world) was bullshit then, just as it is now!

The generation that is coming into 'control' now, I refer to as the 'time out kids', and from where I stand, they don't really know anything, because they've never had to actually WORK for something, becacuse it's all been handed to them on a silver platter!

Everybody I see is working so hard on trying to be 'politically correct' and not 'offending' someone else these days, while the minority groups continually force their ways and ideals down our throats. I say it's high time we start exercising OUR rights to tell them to sit down and shut the hell up for a while. We've become so 'accepting' of other people, that most have no idea what to actually stand up for!

(Lone Star gets off his soapbox, and puts it back in the closet)


To begin with I'd like to apologize about my comment regarding nationalism, it wasn't meant to be seen in that light and it was poorly phrased. I agree that there is nothing wrong with nationalism at all, and to be honest its heartening to see you two gentlemen with so much passion and care for your country. In the UK, I don't really have that sense of pride regarding my country, quite possibly as a direct result of all this multi-cultural sentiment.

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