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OK I got this idea from my last post to which I tried to convey some simple information in a fun way and the scenario was over analyzed to the point that following posters were no longer on the subject at all. Sort of like a 5th grade game of telephone.

It was actually pretty funny, which gave me this idea.

The new game is like a combination of “Telephone”, “Clue”, and “Ad-lib” all rolled into one.

This seems like a lot of rules but really they’re not.

Here are the rules:

1. You may make only one post (take a turn) at a time, after that post, you must wait until at least two people have posted before you can post again.

2. POSTS WILL BE DIVIDED INTO TWO TYPES: 1) ACTION : Patient care/observation / treatments and 2) COMMENT: last post comments (where you can comment on what was done previously); however comments are limited to no more than TWO IN A ROW…. Then you MUST move on to a patient care post after the second comment post.

3. You may add only one comment, patient observation / treatment at a time PER POST. (One scene / patient observation, or one environment change, or patient statement, Med hx, vital sign { i.e. only one HR OR B/P not both}, etc).

a). As an example the first post would be you see a patient sitting between two park cars.

:D. The second post could be “There is blood on the ground” OR “ the patient says Help me”, but not both.

c). Each post “runs the clock” with time periods between 5 seconds and 2 minutes depending on what action is preformed (making an observational statement “the Patient has a laceration to his/her back = 5 seconds (hey ya gotta look), pulse check = 30 sec, B/P = 20 sec, 12 lead = 2 minutes, IV access = 30 seconds, etc. just be reasonable in your time estimates try not to do a 6 second HR, let’s go with “Best practices” to provide a reasonable standard of care.

d). You may state the time it took in your post, or the next poster may give a “Clock” reading adding up all posts to the current post, the clock starts at 00:00 and you add your time to that, COMMENT POSTS DO NOT MOVE THE CLOCK, a clock post does not count as a Pt care or comment post, but does count as a turn.

e). Keep in mind the next poster can make a comment post that the previous attempt failed… (i.e. the IV infiltrated) BUT YOU MUST ASSUME THAT THE THIRD ATTEMPT AT THE SAME TREATMENT / PROCEDURE IS SUCCESSFUL, and you can only fail an attempt on a patient treatment AFTER TWO successful procedures (ACTION) have been accomplished. (let’s have fun, but not foil EVERYTHING….)

4. Assume a bus has an eta 15 – 20 minutes ONCE YOU CALL, HOSPITAL IS 1 HOUR…. (Games not fun without some pucker factor…)

5. POSTS MUST ASSUME IN GOOD FAITH THAT THE PATENT IS ALIVE AND CONSCIOUS!!! (of course what is done can change that).

6. YOU CAN NOT PURPOSELY KILL THE PATIENT (I.E. put a tourniquet around his/her neck, give 10mg HD Epi IV bolus etc).

7. If a comment post can reasonably show the previous action will kill the patient (i.e intubation but no BVM following in a reasonable period of time), posting must fall back to the last time the patient was alive, and all treatments preceding the fatal event are nullified.

8. If a new rule needs to be added, it must have two independent “Seconds” to take affect (i.e. two independent people must agree with it).

9. THE RULES ARE NOT HARD AND FAST, but let’s all try to stay to the INTENT of the law, if we can’t abide by the letter of the law.

So let’s start:

You’re at the local gas station fueling up the units fly car (assume you have anything you would need for patient care in the back, however you cannot transport) when a frantic motorist stops to say they saw a body about 2 miles back. Your conscience gets the best of you, besides it’s in the direction you were going anyway, and you go to take a look ….

You arrive to find two legs protruding from behind a tree about 20 feet off the road, you can’t see the patient from this angle only the legs, there is a 4 foot chicken wire fence between you (the road) and the tree.

ACTION: You do a 10 second scene safety check.

CLOCK: 00:10

Lets have some fun with this.

Be Safe



The patient appears to have fallen 25 feet from a fixed hunting stand.

Clock: 00:15


Check responsiveness - a x o x 3

clock : 20 sec


ACTION: Call for a bus

Clock: 00:00:30

Bus ETA : Approx 00:16:00 (lets make this a countdown)

Check responsiveness - a x o x 3

clock : 20 sec

Comment: checked a&ox3 in 5 seconds? This guy/girl? is alert!!!

I vote we add 10 seconds to the clock for a realistic mental status check.

any seconds?


The patient is a conscious and alert, hearing impaired, 82 y/o/m.



Action: ABC's. Airway is open w/ no obstructions. Breathing is fast and labored. No radial pulse, but does has have a weak brachial pulse.


Time: 1:05 elapsed

Time to Transport Unit: 15:25 min


Action: talk to the patient :"Hello sir, I'm Paramedic Justin Time, are you OK, do you know what happened?"

Patient replies : " I don't know, I feel very dizzy"

Visual exam reveals no obvious bleeding, contusions, swelling, or gross deformities Pt is still clothed, with no rips or tears in outer garments.

Time: 2:05 elapsed

Time to Transport Unit: 14:25 min

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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