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If you drive, leave him at the hospital. If and when he asks why, tell him it was either that, or being arrested for killing the son-of-a-b!, Then tell him why!


it's soooo nice to hear that the private i work for isn't the only magnet for morons! i'm sorry you have to deal with this and agree completely with the document everything advice already given. i'd only suggest you don't wait until you physically attack this man to actually report him to management. no point in getting yourself in trouble. good luck!


My best advice: Patience, patience, patience. Don't let him/ her get to you. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting the better of you.


Well, I got through a whole 24 hr. shift with this guy without him saying anything patently offensive or remarkably stupid, aside from his liberal & dated use of the word "homey" and his excessive affectation of the Gary Cole Office Space voice (yeeeaah...riiight...we're not gonna do thaaat). Apparently, he either realized that he was being a wanker or perhaps he read my original post. Maybe somebody else in the company said something to him. As I said in the first post, it's not his patient care that's an issue. We had an 86 y.o. woman full of fluid to the apex yesterday and he handled it like a pro; did everything you'd think he'd do. Now if I could just get him to stop the constant smoking. The stench of his fetid breath stinks up the whole unit. Yeeaaah...riiight...that would be greeaat if you could not stink...yeeeaaah...


I also like everyon else have had this partner. He is gone now. I never put up with anything with him and if he did something stupid he was told very loudly. (only at the station). The unfortunate thing is that your partner is good at the skills that he has been hired for but it sounds like he has the personality of a nat. Good luck to you and I do agree with that you should have patients and document everything as what goes around comes around.

If that doesn't work give me a call I have access to a back-hoe



I've had this partner before also.

I think that in EMS we all have the proverbial fruitcake that get's passed around from service to service, partner to partner. If you take the long view of these things, he will seldom stick around for a long time, he usually get's re-gifted.


All in all, those kind of people don't stay in on place for too long. It might seem like a long time though...One thing you can try and do is find something in common and try to do something together outside of work. Bowling was a way I found out with this guy named Randy.

It was mentioned in an earlier post about how much of a jerk one guy was but his skills were more than adequate. The one guy I've been talking about, his skills were barely adequate, and a lot of people let him know it, including me.


When I'm told about a problem person like this,I immediately ask to be that persons partner!

The day starts off with me saying....So your the new idiot everyone hates.Then I call dispatch and tell them to give us all the transports and 911 calls they got......this is about 15-20 calls.....Your 12 hour shift will feel like a 24 shift after riding with me.No lunch no sleep and plenty of stair chair jobs.

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