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This website has archives of many different lectures at the following colleges: Actual lectures from very well known colleges. Go get as many of them as you want. They are free.



UC Berkley




Queen's University


University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

University of Glasgow


And Oxford

I have not tested all these lectures or even some of them. The biology course from UC Berkely is able to be downloaded both the audio and video versions. This would be an incredible advantage to all of us to get more out of biology. There is a physiology course too.

I hope this helps.


Cool stuff! How in the heck did you find that?

This is awesome! Nice to get a chance to get a little intro into a subject like that. Kinda test the waters and see if it's what you're into or not. Good primer for those who have not ever been to college, and might be afraid of what it is like. Might whet their appetite enough to make the move next semester. Heck, in some instances, it might even give you enough understanding of a topic to CLEP out of it.

Plus 5 for a great find!


Well Dust, this is a secret that I'm going to have to keep to myself. I have ton's of other stuff that I'll give to the group in a scattered time period.

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