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Back when I worked transport, "Asleepius" used to be me in the back... The company I used to work for used to be really nothing more than a medicaid taxi. I guess the distinction always felt like a line between, when am I truly providing patient care, versus when am I simply another mode of transport when no other option is viable? I would never, ever have taken a tip from a patient or a family member of a patient who was not stable, since I considered that to be working as a medical professional (an EMT). When it was the good ol' dialysis shuffle, though, the ambulette drivers not only got better pay than I did, they got better benefits and did less work. So tips weren't such a sin on the transport jobs, in my opinion. But now that I'm 911? Forget about it. I would tell the person to make a donation to a worthwhile charity in the name of my service and my unit, and write a nice letter to my boss saying how good of a job I did. I'd rather see it buy that than a giant caramel iced latte.

Well...... maybe..... *whimpers, looks for her neighborhood dunkin donuts*

Side note: "Why is it that it's a penny for your thoughts, but you have to put your two cents in? Someone's making a penny and it isn't me." -- Stephen Wright


Unfortunately for my pocketbook we still do. We tip for the usual things like good service at a restaurant etc.. I don't really like the concept myself, but I still tip because I don't want to look like a cheap jerk. It's funny how it all works. You don't tip the teller at the grocery store but you are supposed to tip the bellman who packs your luggage. Both people are just doing their job.

Ya that used to pi$$ me off when i was a gas jockey. I freeze my bollucks off pumping your gas in -37 C so you can keep warm inside the store and i get nothing but minimum wage. Then you head down for lunch burning the gas I pumped and tip your nice warm waitor?

Oh well i have never been offered a tip. If i was i would tell them to send a thank you card to the office where the boss can see it, and i can ask where she keeps ALL of hers. Hehehe


I agree that sometimes, especially from older patients, it tends to make them feel better that they were able to pass a long their gratitude.


Refuse twice, after that its cash only with no supporting documentation. I have never been offered a tip while working 911. I have accepted some while working private sector. Fifth floor carry up comes to mind. I have noticed that the people that can afford to tip rarely do and the ones that cant offer tips more often.


I refuse. I think it's unethical to accept money from patients. Yes, you do tip your taxi driver, but last time I checked, we were trying to get away from that whole, "Ambulance Driver" connotation.

That said, I have had people throw money at me, and throw me out the door... and then... well... what are you going to do. If I can, I'll leave it out on a table on my way out or something... but sometimes, you can't.

I would much prefer just get a letter in my file for doing a good job.

I do appreciate the sentiment when they offer though.

I had a doctor once, who was my patients daughter... she gave us like $10 or $20, and was adamant about us taking it. To the point where she stuffed it in my pocket, and told us that we were taking it weather we liked it or not...

I have noticed that the people that can afford to tip rarely do and the ones that cant offer tips more often.

That reminds me of when my department was doing a 'Fill The Boot' campaign right after 9/11. I live and work in an area that most would consider 'the ghetto', 'da hood', etc.

I noticed that those that could barely afford to give were the most generous, while those that were well able to afford it were the ones telling us to go get screwed, would lie and tell us that they would 'come back later and donate', (even had one 'rich kid' go as far as to spit on me)

Money may not be able to buy 'happiness', but I've noticed that those with less seem to be more 'human' than their better off counter parts!

I refuse. I think it's unethical to accept money from patients. Yes, you do tip your taxi driver, but last time I checked, we were trying to get away from that whole, "Ambulance Driver" connotation.

That said, I have had people throw money at me, and throw me out the door... and then... well... what are you going to do. If I can, I'll leave it out on a table on my way out or something... but sometimes, you can't.

I would much prefer just get a letter in my file for doing a good job.

I do appreciate the sentiment when they offer though.

I had a doctor once, who was my patients daughter... she gave us like $10 or $20, and was adamant about us taking it. To the point where she stuffed it in my pocket, and told us that we were taking it weather we liked it or not...

We aren't taxi drivers???

And as for a letter in my file, my company wold never tell me.

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