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If AHA Changes the CPR to a 50:1 ratio as mentioned in JEMS, would you abide by it?  

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    • No
    • Yes, AHA is GOD, I will follow them blindly
    • Yes
    • No, the more ventilations, the better

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1:1, 10:1, 20:1 50:1, 100:1,...does it matter?

We do as were told, as the guidelines change. We cant arbitrarily default on these guidelines however we'd like.

From a litigation standpoint, whos to say we cant get sued for doing 49:1 instead of 50:1 on our next code who doesn't make it?

Lets protect ourselves...

Just a thought....


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The reality is that it is better to circulate blood w/ 50 % 02 sat. than it is to have stagnant blood w/ 100 % 02 sat. You need to build up the pulmonary pressures and hopefully get enough blood through the heart so that the electrical system can maintain a workable arrythmia (fib, tach etc...)


Would I do 50:1?

Depends, the best thing to do, in my opinion, is keep cardiac massage at a constant rate. Maybe give them 2 seconds every 20 or so for oxygen. But as long as you keep the resuscitator bag on their mouth, and nose and constantly squeeze it slightly (not forcefull, but enough to allow air movement) then they are getting oxygen. You would still get air movement enough to keep the O2 sat up if you just had an NRB on them and did not stop compressions. This is what we tell providers that do not have a CPR mask or BVM, yet do not wish to do M2M. Of course, if you are buying an oxygen kit.. whay not spring for a resuscitator of some sort? :idea:

Feckin Old Guy Fact #30: When Dr. Safar taught use resuscitation at the UofPitt Medical School's Paramedic Class; it was called CPCR (Cardio-Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation). We were still taught to Resuscitate drowning victims by man handling them, placing them in a prone position, and forcefully thrusting our hands across the flanks of their ribs. Personally, I'd never seen that work, maybe because they all died from broken necks and being flung onto their stomach? :!:

  AZCEP said:
To throw a wrench in the works, one of the doctors at the AZ Heart Institute in Tuscon published a study that is in favor of 200 uninterrupted compressions in the space of two minutes before any ventilations.

This has actually proven to be useful for the patient that has been in an unwitnessed arrest for longer than 4 minutes before EMS arrival.

Our medical director is actively pushing for more of our arrest patients to receive this type of CPR, and is also pushing it in the ED.

200 uninterruped compressions in 2 minutes? ( cough, wheeze ) Good thing there is 2 people on the truck! LOL
  • 1 month later...
  Woody76559 said:
All this time I thought we released carbon DIoxide instead of carbon MONoxide. Big difference.

As far as the 50:2, you will still circulate some oxygen throughout the circulatory system even without continuous ventilations or with the current standards. Just remember this, folks: This is an ever changing field. As a result, we must adjust, adapt and overcome all that is presented. It's not gospel yet, so don't let it worry you too much. We just have to adjust and be aware.

I agree with your "ever changing field" comment. I am sure they wouldn't change the standards and have us perform them this way if it wasn't thoroughly researched and proven to work. You do what you have to.

  FireMamaof3 said:
I am sure they wouldn't change the standards and have us perform them this way if it wasn't thoroughly researched and proven to work.

Oh, how we only WISH that were true!

One word: Bretylium


Well as i see it the PT is already dead if you doing CPR so whats it going to hurt right ?

i mean hell why give O2 to SOB PT's their still moving air they'll be fine right they don't need the extra O's and shoot if your not breathing then you must not need any O2 if you did you would still be breathing....Right !?!?!?

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