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I spent about 10 minutes discussing medical care in the air with the lead flight attendant on my airtran flight thursday night.

You do not need to show your license or credentials.

If you say you are who you are they will not bar you from performing medical care on someone who needs it.

They will also give you full access to the ALS kit and AED if you say you are a medic or higher.

Access to the basic kit and aed if you are an emt

It is a joint decision between you, the pilot, the flight attendant and the airlines medical group if you divert to the closest airport. Better be sure the patient warrants it.

After it's all over they will ask you for ID but if you don't have it they document that info on their report. They do investigate with your state bureau of EMS (they call them) after you provide assistance and there are repercussions if you lied about level of care you were licensed or certified to provide.

The responding EMS agencies will more than likely also want the information about you for their medical record.

So the flight attendants will not bar you from helping if you offer.


Does anyone know what it is that comes "standard" in an airline med kit?

I know they have glucagon and Epi (from stories told to me by docs who have had to treat on planes) but what else?


Many of the Airlines have gone to this "TYPE" of kit:


You do not need to show your license or credentials. If you say you are who you are they will not bar you from performing medical care on someone who needs it

Its not like your on a bus or something, one really can't get off at the next stop .... ok just the way I read this tickled me funny bone is all.

Ok a story: I am sitting in the back of a continental jet, getting the safety briefing ... like I haven't done them myself ... so the attendent after the seat belt demonstration : this slays me in itself, like who does not know how to operate a seat belt these days ? Anyway the attendent says : "In the event of sudden loss of cabin pressure" part ... and not ONE person is listening, well accept for me. She states: WHEN THE SCREAMING STOPS pull the mask sharply towards yourself .... well you get the point ! So now I am laughing so hard all of the passengers are looking at ME!

The attendant and I got along great after that, she gave me free drinks for the next 3 hours ... telling the other passengers that I was the only one that answered the skill testing question....dang good flight.



Interesting the '700' has Laryngoscopes and ET tubes yet it has no BVM. Apparently your supposed to use a pocket mask or just blow into the tube? :?

Now the '900' has a BVM.


I think that only "buzzard airlines" carries the 700.

Interesting the '700' has Laryngoscopes and ET tubes yet it has no BVM. Apparently your supposed to use a pocket mask or just blow into the tube? :?

Now the '900' has a BVM.

The product description for the 700 states: "The Stat Kit 700 is your best choice if you already have oxygen, resuscitation and suction equipment in your office."

I would call a bag mask "resuscitation equipment". So the assumption is that you already have one. Otherwise, buy the 900.

Nice kits. I like the way everything is organized, and not just a jumble of bits in a bag.

Great information in this thread, btw, on how at least one airline handles in-air emergencies.

After it's all over they will ask you for ID but if you don't have it they document that info on their report.

This brings up an interesting side question: how many of us carry any sort of credential when we travel? I've a wallet-card, but it's tucked away in a file folder in my office. I never actually have it with me.

From the text of the site:

See that's the kind of info I would have gleaned if I actually read anything on the page. I just looked at the pretty pictures. :lol:


Ruff, I spoke with a commercial pilot that is personal friends of mine and also an EMT. He said their company policy was to have proof of the persons credentials before unlocking the medcial kit.

Is it possible this is an airline by airline policy as opposed to FAA policy?

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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