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This is a horrible contract for ems....and im only on page 15 which states that the city will create a postion for the city and you have to pay 120,500 dollars to staff it? plus 90k each for city fire medics. and this is a 6 ambulance contract!! holy shit.


Cliff notes:

6 ambulances, 2 ALS, 4 BLS. Units are dedicated to 911 work only.

Ambulance company takes care of and gets to keep all patient billing.

Fire department maintains scene/patient control at all times.

BLS ambulances=2 EMT-Bs supplied by the ambulance company stationed where ever the company wants to station them at.

The fun starts with the ALS units.

  • Company supplies an EMT-B to drive the unit

[*]Fire department supplies either a civilian EMT-P or a fire fighter EMT-P

[*]Regardless of utilization, the ambulance company will reimburse the fire department for $84k/yr per civilian medic and $94k/yr per fire medic used. This includes pay, overtime, and benifits.

[*]Ambulance company will pay the fire department $400/month for room and board at the fire station for the ambulance and the EMT-B (I'd hate to be the EMT-B).

Personally, I don't see why any fire department that wants to run EMS doesn't take it all the way. If you want to supply the medics, then supply your own damn transportation too. If they can find a company that is willing to take that contract, then so be it. It's a "free" market anyways.

Personally, I don't see why any fire department that wants to run EMS doesn't take it all the way. If you want to supply the medics, then supply your own damn transportation too. If they can find a company that is willing to take that contract, then so be it. It's a "free" market anyways.



So basically theres a private company that is only willing to pay the minimum amount they can get away with to provide EMS but still get's to keep all the money they make (if there is any) and a fire department that is only willing to provide paramedics, not transportation for the cities EMS service.

Huh. So basically I'll just say fuck you to both the money grubbing worthless excuses for an EMS agency and leave it at that.


So absurd as to not even be worthy of discussion.

So basically theres a private company that is only willing to pay the minimum amount they can get away with to provide EMS but still get's to keep all the money they make (if there is any) and a fire department that is only willing to provide paramedics, not transportation for the cities EMS service.

Huh. So basically I'll just say fuck you to both the money grubbing worthless excuses for an EMS agency and leave it at that.

Huh? There are companies out there in health care trying to make a profit? Say it ain't so!


To be honest, I got more of the fire department saying "We want to control everything, except the patients that don't interest us or things involving maintaining ambulances" than a private ambulance company trying to cut costs to the bare minimum. The choice between single role medics and fire medics isn't even up to the ambulance company to begin with. After all, they are paying the fire department to use the fire department's employees (the paramedic) as well as paying rent on the fire station to house their ambulance and their employee under the contract. It's not exactly like the ambulance company is fleecing the city under that contract.


I have an idea let them put an addendum that any Paramedic must have at minimum a Degree level education in something other than Fire Science.

I have an idea let them put an addendum that any Paramedic must have at minimum a Degree level education in something other than Fire Science.

For $94k, it better be a graduate degree, not a silly AAS.

I'd like to hear the city manager's reason why he feels that this system is good for his city. I suspect he has nothing better to go on than, "This is the way everybody else is doing it" and "This is the way we've always done it".

The very fact that they stipulate in the contract that PMT must schedule their units on the same ABC shifts as the FD shows that they don't have a farking clue about what the elements of a good EMS system are.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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