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If ever in doubt never forget OLMD is there. Also in AL it is pt's req. As long as it does not leave your community with no ambulance coverage. They can req whatever hospital they want even if that particular hospital is on diversion.


OLMD is almost never available in my area. And no the patient does not always have the right to say what hospital. In fact I would like to see the rule you mention that requires you to honor patients request of hospital especially one on diversion.

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Sadly enough...I've caught hell for this...and I do believe I am currently being punished with an excess of BLS transports and not even being considered for any emergencies...but I believe it's the patients choice...I can not take them somewhere they do not want to go...


It was later revealed that the pt was driving on a suspended DL for DUI and blah blah...and the officer was ticked...

Angel, I didnt read all the posts, but I have a couple of points to make... whether they have been made previously, or not.

1) the only time a patient isnt taken to the hospital of their choice is if the injury dictates a specialty, ie, burn unit, trauma center, CT availablility, etc. If a patient is NOT taken to the facility of their choice without an overriding factor, it "can" be considered kidnapping. Kidnapping and unlawful confinement have been used as arguments against EMS. The other issue is "diversion". If a patient requests a specific hospital, failure to transport them there can be an EMTALA violation. There is a growing concensus in the legal opinions that just making radio contact with the hospital puts EMTALA in force. As much as the hospitals may not like it, "diversion" is really becoming a thing of the past.

2) Law enforcement has NO authority over the patient destination UNLESS the patient is in custody. As an EMT in a previous life working on a state line, I am well aware that LEO's can cross state lines to enforce laws occuring in their jurisdiction. In what you describe (minus the personal comments), the LEO was going to be "inconvenienced" in having to drive another 3 minutes to the hospital WV. Im sure he had additional paperwork because of it, but it did not interfere with his duties.

I was going to make a third point, but I forgot what it was.. oops.

Oh, 3) Working for a bad service is worse than working for no service. Someone mentioned bad habits you may pick up and I agree for a different reason. They were concerned that you would develop bad habits with your basic skills that could effect going thru P school. I disagree with that thought, but I digress. If you start questioning yourself now, you may question yourself you have to make an important call. I agree with the other in that you need to find a P school and get into school as soon as possible. The other thing you may want to do is get out of the situation you're in. Find a better service, go work in an ER or somewhere you can still maintain your skills and knowledge. I would also recommend taking a few notes and if you see a number of violations of KY code, consider contacting the state with those violations. They have to be pointed and specific. You cannot go to the state with wishy-washy, non-specific innuendo or rumor. They probably wouldnt act on that.

Good luck and keep us informed!


Alright...lol...I love when this little email pops up in my inbox...and it states that there are more responses to this post...

I question myself on the brilliance of starting this entire thread...i got a lot more than what I bargained for...every where from the idea of my holding a EMT cert scares some (To which I don't care my pts think i'm excellent and as long as I have them fooled... :twisted: lol...that is all that matters) ...to you need to get away from that company...to you need to go on to Paramedic asap...

K...the post was basically to see if my call was poor judgement...I still think I was in the right...and I've fought it out with the medic that owns the place...

In fact I had multiple patients for another KY MVA who wanted to go to West Virginia...at which point I refused to haul them there...it really doesn't matter to me where they go...the hospitals are 3 minutes from the 4 lane that runs between them...both are at the same level *Band aid stations* ...but regardless unless the KY ER isn't accepting pts...all the MVA pts will go there...

As for the call that started it all...the trooper...went to his post got his paperwork and went into WVa and gave the citations to the driver... *amazed* It all works out in the end...

Y'all have a good one lol

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