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i guess I need to work harder on relaying my sarcasm. Jeesh.

Junkies are people too. Can't we all just get along.

By the way that was SARCASM if you need to be told so.


How many times have you given Narcan can to someone, get them to the ER, and then they are p!ssed because you spoiled their "experience"? Even though they were on the verge of death they don't appreciate that you saved them.

The only times anyone has been grateful is someone who was slipped a "mickey" or an accidental OD from someone elderly who kept taking a med over and over again because they forgot they had already taken it.

I don't think it's a good idea to be given to the general public. It sort of ranks up there with those clinics that let junkies come in to shoot up in a "safe" setting.


A question for the ALS, from your humble BLS pal, Richard B the EMT:

Due to projected violence from a junkie, whose "High" just got shut down by the Narcan, don't you either, or both, place the patient into soft restraint, or wait until just before you bring the patient into the ED, before the Narcan injection?

A question for the ALS, from your humble BLS pal, Richard B the EMT:

Due to projected violence from a junkie, whose "High" just got shut down by the Narcan, don't you either, or both, place the patient into soft restraint, or wait until just before you bring the patient into the ED, before the Narcan injection?

Neither. You just give enough to keep them breathing on their own and protecting their own airway, how much that is will vary. No need to be slamming them with narcan anymore. It's not safe for them...something I don't care so much about...or us...something I care very much about.

A question for the ALS, from your humble BLS pal, Richard B the EMT:

Due to projected violence from a junkie, whose "High" just got shut down by the Narcan, don't you either, or both, place the patient into soft restraint, or wait until just before you bring the patient into the ED, before the Narcan injection?

Depends on the patient and situation. We got good at keeping on our toes. Since it can work so fast it's hard to time it so we were always ready to "pony up" if violence started in. I can look back now and remember times I wish we had waited til we got to the ER, but that wasn't a choice. A good way to "ready" yourselves is to have a rolled up sheet high across the chest and looped through the cot. If things stay cool just leave it loose. But they act up, pull it tight and grab the wrists. And if at all possible, someone on the legs.

For no bigger town we were in, we probably had to use it a bit more often than most cities. So we got a lot of practice.


ROFL! :)

The whole concept is a joke. First of all, most junkies are alone when they OD, so it will never come into play. Second of all, some "friends" are going to get their arses kicked unmercifully when they send their OD'd friends into withdrawal with naloxone. Third of all, the half life of naloxone is not near that of heroin, so the victim is going to go back out again sooner or later. By then, his "friend" is most likely to be gone, and/or have no more naloxone. Fourth of all, these people aren't likely to be seeking professional medical attention at all, and especially since they now have the false sense of security of thinking they have the "cure" in their hands. And fifth of all, junkies are about the least responsible people in society. WTF makes anybody think that they are competent to do this right? And I don't mean just the technique of squirting a syringe. I mean the whole process of keeping the drug available when needed, using it at the appropriate time, and following up with professional medical attention. Not a chance.

This is going to result in more deaths than it will save. Mark my words. Not that I care.

took the words right out of my mouth Dust!...well sort of :wink:

How many times have you given Narcan can to someone, get them to the ER, and then they are p!ssed because you spoiled their "experience"?

Never. I don't let them wake up enough to argue about it.

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