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hi im 17 from manitoba, i want to go to Alberta for paramedic school. If I get my paramedic license there am i alloud to be a paramedic where ever i want in canada if its available? like can i get my license in BC but work full time as a paramedic in montreal if i wanted?


First, be patient.

Next, Google may help you find your answer.

Third, an EMT City search may help you find your answer.

Finally, you may have people question the way you articulate on this forum.

Take care,


hi im 17 from manitoba, i want to go to Alberta for paramedic school. If I get my paramedic license there am i alloud to be a paramedic where ever i want in canada if its available? like can i get my license in BC but work full time as a paramedic in montreal if i wanted?

It is possible to work as a paramedic in province's other than the one you took your education. However if you want to work in a province other than the one you were originally educated in you will have to go through that provinces licensing or registration process (varies by province). My suggestion would be to take the best program available in the province you wish to work. The reciprocity process is a real pain and not worth the hassle if you can avoid it. You can pretty well forget about Quebec as they just do their own thing regardless of what the rest of us are doing.


Not to mention the fact that to register in Alberta as an EMT it costs about $1000 (Between Testing and registration)

I don't know if I would be willing to pay a fee like that in more than one province. I hurts enough as it is... Especially considering my EMT education cost only $5000.

hi im 17 from manitoba, i want to go to Alberta for paramedic school. If I get my paramedic license there am i alloud to be a paramedic where ever i want in canada if its available? like can i get my license in BC but work full time as a paramedic in montreal if i wanted?

In alberta before you can be licensed as a paramedic you need to be licensed as an emt-a and to be licensed as an emt-a you need to be an emr. That's how it was explained to me by other ems personnel.

The alberta college of paramedics have he following designations from entry level on up they are

emr emergency medical responder

emta emergency medical technician ambulance

emtp emergency medical technologist paramedic


Yes this question is discussed at infanitum, and on many websites and listservers.

There is no national immediate reciprocity anywhere in Canada as health care is a provincial juristiction bottom line. There are agreements in place but very sadley there is really no golden licensure, mobility of labour is quite a complex issue.

At 17 years old your looking at quite a bit of time (maybe well spent) before you can get anywhere at all, and do not believe the movies or the TLC channels its really not the truth at all.

Perhaps .... do a ride along or 2 first before you put your money down for any school maybe get into lifegaurding or St. Johns first to get a feel for things ? Thing is in most provinces now one has to at least be 18 (legal age) before one even can do a ride along.

Check out the Paramedics of Manitoba's website .... they have many links to many of the questions you are going to ask, and WHY would you want to work in Montreal anyway ? :shock: j/k The hot chicks are in Toba ! :lol:

cheers and happy researching.

hi im 17 from manitoba, i want to go to Alberta for paramedic school. If I get my paramedic license there am i alloud to be a paramedic where ever i want in canada if its available? like can i get my license in BC but work full time as a paramedic in montreal if i wanted?

Here's my random answer 37

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