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Ridiculous. I now see why you generally don't have the gnads to enter medical discussions. One of the first lessons I learned, early on, is that the machines are often wrong. NEVER trust them. I haven't given it any thought (and may regret it later) but I'm willing to bet that your first impression of skin condition will give you more valuable information than your SPO2.

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1) No you missed MY point, picture this... You are a student doing a scenario, 63 y/o female complaining of general back pain. Pt presents with pink skin, RR @ 16/min, no acc muscle use, yadda yadda yadda. Hook up the machine it reads 76%. Student puts on an NRB @ 10 lpm. Instructor asks why the high flow O2? student answers "because of the low reading".

That was the point of my OP.

2)Well we can agree to diagree on this one. Yup I guess if everyone else is doing asessment and spinal and my hands are empty, I could take a BP. However when it comes to significant trauma the sooner I can get this guy to a CT, surgeon...whatever, the better. So I would keep the on-scene stuff to a minimum and get my pressure in the rig. The pressure I get is not gonna change that dramatically from the time I spinal him to the time I load, so the quicker I can get moving the better.

3)Yelling is juvenile.

That must suck, not to be trusted to set a freaking drip rate? Yet they let you push drugs through the line?

Or are you in one of those akward places where you have to call for everything?

If there was no such thing as EMT would we have a bunch of no-good medics running around? Think about it, if there was no bls/als...Just Paramedics, would they all be incompetent because they didn't run around for 2 years taking blood pressures and bitching they have no scope of practice??

And there it is...

I don't consider my years doing BLS (PCP with 2 years college) for 4 years "running around doing pressures and bitching..."

We'll I did bitch, but not about that...

That is a problem with the service and the system, not the education. That fact is that NOBODY (in North America) at any individual paramedic level has the education that we do in Ontario. I spent 1/4 of my PCP career doing first response on a single man car (in a busy city)

ALS paramedics know here that there are many BLS medics that have greater education if not the majority) than them.



I mean, sure, I could sit here and say anything. It's the reasoning behind the thought that counts.

Wouldnt you ratehr get some experience before you jump into medic class? Why would you just go right into it? seems foolish, but thats my opinion, sorry


You toot your own horn alot for a guy who really in this thread has no leg to stand on.

Ya you have the longest course in Canada, does that really mean it is the best?

I know I am on thin ice here but really, the peole on these boards have seen me discuss some pretty in depth stuff ( acid - base balance, Alpha-Beta receptors in responce to neurotransmitters, MOA of different drugs etc..) and you know what, I have only 1 year education.

As a PCP in AB and an ICP in Sask, I am doing IV's (at the rate I determine), nebs, non-visualized airways, D50, Nitro ASA and more... and I would love you to test me on any of them! As an ACP in Ontario you are making statements like "I treat my patients 98% by the monitor". Come on man, quit while your ahead!


Wouldnt you ratehr get some experience before you jump into medic class? Why would you just go right into it? seems foolish, but thats my opinion, sorry

Oh don't be sorry my friend!

The reason i do not support this theory is buried in my previous posts.

A) You bring bad habits to the classroom

:) A good school will supply you with enough practicum experience to master your BLS "Skills"

C) BLS is cheating your community out of quality health care

D) Consider my above question about getting rid of the EMT level. Would all medics be incompetent?

EMT school = 6 mon work for a year to get good at BLS,

Medic school 2 years, work for a year to get good Total years 4.5

Go to EMT school = 6 mon

Medic school 2 years work for a year and a half to get good at BLS and ALS Total years 4

You really think that 6 mos in between is going to make that much of a difference


Ok, guys are you going off on the fact that I said "I judge the average patient (98%) by putting on the SpO2..."

I was talking about the average 98/100 patients, not their oxygen saturation.

LOL, anyway...


The fact that Dwayne said that I don't have "the gnads to enter medical discussions" absolutely infuriates me.



I disagree with this-----BLS is cheating your community out of quality health care.

How is it cheating a community, wouldnt no care at all be cheating the community???

Don't start the ALS/BLS bullshit again.

But I do agree 6 months is nothing, should be longer. I think minimal of 2 mnths is good

Ok, guys are you going off on the fact that I said "I judge the average patient (98%) by putting on the SpO2..."

I was talking about the average 98/100 patients, not their oxygen saturation.

Did we in some way misquote you? It was truly a wanker thing to say. You often toute the superiority of Canadian EMS over American. If this is what you bring as proof it simply labels you as a poser, and gives a black eye to Canadian EMS. If you didn't mean it, you shouldn't say it.

Also, that 2%...do they come with a sticker on their chest or something in Canada? In the U.S we need to treat every patient as an individual. How do you know when it's time to stop leaning on your machines and actually treat your patient?

All of my patients are the 2%.

The fact that Dwayne said that I don't have "the gnads to enter medical discussions" absolutely infuriates me.

I've often called your gnads into question. What is different about this time? Most often, when not religion related, you say something foolish and then run away the first time that you're contradicted...What else should I assume?

You're weak vs-eh?. Your logic is weak, your education is weak, and you have a history of only asking questions you already know the answers to in the hope some newbie will step up to take a beating.

As I've said in the past, on several occasions...I think there is more to you than we've seen...you simply need to quite being afraid of making mistakes before we'll get a chance to see it. I look forward to that day.

Until then...step up to the plate and stop crying...that doesn't work in the forums like it does in chat...



I disagree with this-----BLS is cheating your community out of quality health care.

How is it cheating a community, wouldnt no care at all be cheating the community???

When you are questioning going into ALS school right out of BLS school I believe if you choose the latter you are cheating your peeps.

You're kind of saying "ya i could do some good for you, but I am going to wait a while, so in the mean time here is some oxygen (I promise it will help with your pulmonary edema).

Don't start the ALS/BLS bullshit again.

I don't know what that bull$hit is?

But I do agree 6 months is nothing, should be longer. I think minimal of 2 mnths is goodagreed 2 months to get used to touching patients, then off to medic school

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