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[align=center:f387fcdcbf]New billboards going up around L.A.[/align:f387fcdcbf]


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Paramedic Jobs

Now hiring Paramedics

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3 weeks training

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Ya that's pretty funny Scara.

As far as coverage during the strikes, it's only one district of LA and I think there will be a lot of IFT companies to cover during the strike (Heard there's about 50 in LA).

It's going to be botched. It's a lot of land area, it'll be unfamiliar territory for them, and they will have either low or no 911 experience...so it might be a bit of a circus on-scene with significant ambulance delays. I believe they cover a couple extremely busy cities.

LA has a whole lot of EMTs...but most of them work IFT...many because of the better pay (since few really want to do transfers) but many because they have trouble getting hired onto a 911 company.

I know our company has no shortage of applicants...but definitely a shortage of QUALITY applicants. Like our managers said, "We could have every seat filled in a couple weeks...application pile is over a foot high...but we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot".

AMR might have to lower their hiring standards if they fire everyone who strikes. Maybe the transfer EMTs will support them and not apply to replace them and then AMR will have to fix things? Not sure...don't really know too much about strikes and stuff.

LA has a whole lot of EMTs...but most of them work IFT...many because of the better pay (since few really want to do transfers) but many because they have trouble getting hired onto a 911 company.

That's why AMR will have no problem replacing the union deadbeats. All the IFT drivers will bail for a 911 job in the blink of an eye, even for less money.

The funny part will be when the sacked AMR guys go looking for IFT jobs and are laughed out of the offices because no company will want to hire somebody who abandoned his last job. Geniuses. :roll:


There are a bunch of AMR managers from my area (Portland/Vancouver) that have been there since Wednesday. They are running 9-1-1 calls and occasional IFT's. Its their second deployment in a month. Most were also ready to be sent to Spokane for their strike.

The AMR union in Mass. didn't even actually strike, and they got everything they wanted and then some.

Your right they didn't strike, they made it as far as picketing. But Northeast division is more than Mass., there are other states further north than there too. Mass got what they wanted but the Maine and New Hampshire stations got screwed.

I'd like to know where that, they got everything they wanted and more. We now have crappier health insurance than we did before. A cut in hours and a 2% raise. Yeah that helps with filling up the fuel tank and paying the bills.

I don't personally work for them, but my husband does. When they voted on a new union they have to go with whatever Mass decides because they have majority vote. Almost everyone up this way voted no union and even opted out of the union when the union was pushing for a strike.

Union's are nothing but empty promises.


Who says that they'll get those changes in the end, and at what cost? I've seen the supermarket employees (who, ironically, get paid more than EMT-Bs) strike twice within 3 years and neither time did the concessions that they won come close to making up for the money lost sitting out on the picket line.


Good day fellow EMT's and EMS Professionals.

As a EMT working for AMR, and one that will be going on Strike Monday, the 28th of April.

I found this site by way of a Google search, while looking for new strike news....

One could go on and on, about the pro's and con's of striking, as some of you have....

This will be my first time participating in a strike, and oddly enough I am looking forward to the experience...... There's no telling if we will get all that we are asking for, but I know from my years with AMR in the L.A area, that AMR will not do any more than they have too.

Sadly AMR seems to stand for Another Minimal Response.

And to be honest, I'd be a happier EMT, If I came to work in the morning and found that the previous crew had left my assigned Ambulance clean and fueled up.

What we need to fight for, is Self Respect , and Respect for our fellow EMT's.

And a bit more money from our respective employers won't hurt either...

Take care........


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